Are We Getting Another Showmance on 'Big Brother' Season 23?

Published Sept. 8 2021, 6:30 p.m. ET

First, there was Christian Birkenberger and Alyssa Lopez. Then, there was Derek Xiao and Hannah Chaddha, despite their anti-showmance attitude. But while there have been several will-they-won't-they showmances on Big Brother Season 23, the one fans most recently got a glimpse of was one that they never expected.
How do you go from calling someone "the scum between my toes" to hooking up in the Head of Household bed? Seems like a good question to ask Tiffany Mitchell, who fans believe hooked up with Kyland Young on the Big Brother live feeds. Is a new showmance about to happen? Here's what we know.

Are Tiffany and Kyland in a showmance?
So far this season, Tiffany and Kyland have been in the same alliance, the very successful Cookout, but they haven't often seen eye to eye. Their relationship has been rocky at best. After all, during Tiffany's last (short-lived) HOH reign, she put Kyland on the block, although it was understood that Sarah Beth Steagall was her real target. Even still, she threw a sympathy vote Sarah Beth's way instead of voting to make sure that Kyland stayed.
Though they haven't had a blowout fight, Tiffany once shared some iconic words with Kyland, words that seemed to be only half-joking. "Dear Kyland, I hate your stinking guts. You are the scum between my toes. You make me vomit. Love, Tippy Toes," she told him.
But perhaps Tiffany was only trying to share that she had feelings for Kyland. After all, any Little Rascals fan knows exactly where that speech came from. It was what Alfalfa claimed he was writing for Darla, when he was really writing, "Dear Darla, I cannot live without you... really... I'm not kidding. Your Romeo, Alfalfa."
Throughout Big Brother Season 23, Tiffany and Kyland have been less than friends, but they've at least been friendly. But recently on the live feeds, fans saw a different story — or at least they think they did. What really happened is definitely up for debate — but something happened. After Kyland headed into the HOH room, he and Tiffany got cozy in bed. Much of Tiffany isn't visible, but some rather suspicious movement began under the covers and some strange noises could be heard.
In the end, Kyland remarks, "Such a comfy bed," but fans think that he was enjoying more than the bed. You can check out the clip here, but regardless of exactly how things went down, it's NFSW.
As of yet, neither Kyland nor Tiffany has commented on what happened, and it remains to be seen if (more likely when) the other remaining players find out. While this could be a one-off moment, some fans believe that the hook-up could have just solidified Kyland and Tiffany as the final two.
How will this showmance play out? Catch Big Brother Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS at 8 p.m. EST to find out.