Were Twitch Stars Wilbur Soot and Niki Ever Really Dating?
Updated June 26 2020, 2:29 p.m. ET

Who knew that Twitch users are such suckers for romance? Fans of YouTuber Wilbur Soot (whose real name is William Gold) are requesting updates on the 23-year-old’s love life after he matched with fellow gamer Niki (aka Nihachu) on the virtual dating game show "Rajjchelor."
But did the duo ever get together IRL, or are they strictly an online flirtation? Thanks to reddit, we now have an answer.
Are Wilbur and Niki still together?
According to a recent comment on a four-month-old reddit thread, the internet personalities are not dating and may have never been an item to begin with.
"Niki on her 12 hour stream on June 10 said that they were just friends," one commenter noted, causing a second user to reply, "I think that they were never officially together. Just committed to each other and waiting for the correct moment."

In the days following their "Rajjchelor" appearance, the pair seemed eager to hang out. "On one of her streams someone asked Niki, 'What are you and Wilbur?' and she responded with, 'No one knows,'" a redditor wrote back in February. "I think she is really into him and waiting on him to officially ask her out."
Multiple fans explained why they’re hoping the influencers become a couple. "The stuff they do is some of my favorite content because it's so unbelievably adorable," one follower stated. "I've also kind of been watching [Niki’s] streams since before the 'Rajjchelor' and I've noticed that… she seems a lot happier around Will."
Another shipper added, "I've been having a real rough time and I think seeing the two of them together restored my hope for humanity. They definitely seem to fit together really well, I just hope their fans hounding them about it constantly doesn't annoy them too much."
Dating on Twitch can be, well, complicated.
Professional gamer Ninja, who has 14.7 million followers on the live streaming service, revealed in 2018 that he had to stop playing with female streamers because of the rumors it would incite.

"I figured the last thing I need is any of that garbage floating around," he admitted while playing a game of Fortnite. "I’m referring to the drama and the stupid YouTube video that would be created because of the playing."
Ninja went on to explain what happens every time he interacts with a woman online. "I play with another girl streamer — a joke would be made, a giggle would happen. And then this is the YouTube video: 'Ninja flirting with so-and-so and JGhosty angry,'" the 29-year-old said, referring to his wife of nearly three years, Jessica Blevins.
In an interview with Polygon, the YouTuber clarified that he was the one who decided to only partner with male gamers. "That was not even [Jessica]," he shared. "She had nothing to do with it. That was me being, 'I love our relationship,' and, 'No, I’m not even gonna put you through that.'"
Ninja added, "There hasn’t been a single female gamer or streamer on Twitch or anything like that who’s been upset about [the situation]. I honestly think that… it’s just kinda like a respect thing."