Armie Hammer Allegedly Worked Construction 15 Minutes From Location of Missing Womens' Remains

Published Feb. 8 2021, 4:32 p.m. ET

If you're a public figure you're inevitably going to have people talking about you. Rumors will spread and accusations will fly. In some instances, even doctored messages will pop up on the web adding to the drama surrounding said rumors.
What really gets people talking and thinking there's validity to these rumors is when multiple pieces of info from multiple sources seem to corroborate these claims, which many are saying is the case with Armie Hammer and this latest update about his pandemic construction working days.
Armie Hammer publicly discussed working construction with a friend during the pandemic.
Hammer's nabbed a ton of high-profile roles in films like Rebecca, The Social Network, The Lone Ranger, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Call Me By Your Name, and a slew of other movies. This is why it raised more than a few eyebrows from folks when the actor admitted to having taken a construction job during the pandemic as he had "nothing to do," in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel.
It's a story that people seem to have forgotten and didn't think had any bearing on his alleged "Cannibal DMs" scandal until a recent TikTok post made a shocking revelation. Allegedly, the remains of three women were discovered about a 10 to 15-minute drive away from the desert hotel's construction site.
Tweets of "bodies found" in connection to Armie Hammer's name were posted all over Twitter.
In The Cut insisted that the stories of Hammer's construction site gig and the bodies being found a short distance away from the location weren't being conflated. There were also several other tweets from people and posts on other social media platforms about the strange circumstances surrounding his decision to work construction so very close to a spot where women's bodies were allegedly found.
What really had people talking about the story is the fact that Armie Hammer comes from a very wealthy family: Armie's father and his sister, Casey, inherited two foundations which, combined, are worth some $100 million.
IB Times also reports that Hammer's net worth stands at a whopping $16 million, which reportedly doesn't include the massive amounts of wealth left by his great grandfather, Armand Hammer.
And while profligate spending among celebrities certainly isn't news, ShowBiz411's reports about Armie's family's proclivity for using corporate credit cards and adds some context to this story: "[Michael] Hammer regularly used a corporate credit card to pay for his business expenses and his personal expenses. He also provided corporate credit cards to his ex-wife, Dru Hammer, and to his sons, Viktor and Armie Hammer, all of whom used these credit cards to pay for both business and personal expenses. In total, the Hammers charged $2.7 million to their corporate cards between 2005 and 2014."
The question many people have is how it's possible for Armie to blow through the massive amounts of those corporate credit cards along with the money he netted from his high-profile acting gigs in a relatively short amount of time.
Then there's the added fact that he lives in the Cayman Islands, a notorious tax haven. This is part of what had folks speculating that he was engaging in sadistic activity with women and worked the desert construction job as a cover-up after "kill[ing] and [eating] three missing women and...allegedly bur[ying] their bodies."
Others thought that he committed these crimes and escaped to the Cayman Islands, and the murmurs surrounding these rumors caused his agency and publicist to drop him.
Again, it's important to note that these are all rumors and allegations against the actor, and no results from any official investigations have been announced or posted online as of Feb. 8, 2021.