How Old Are The Characters in 'Attack on Titan'? Our Guide

Published Oct. 15 2021, 3:58 p.m. ET

Every character in the Attack on Titan universe has to deal with an ongoing onslaught of danger, not only from man-eating Titans, but also from other humans. It may surprise you how young some of the characters actually are, even after the four-year time skip at the start of Season 4. So, how old are the characters in Attack on Titan?
Warning: Spoilers for Attack on Titan.
1. Eren Jaeger

Eren Jaeger is the protagonist of Attack on Titan but that doesn't necessarily make him the most mature character. He's 10 years old at the beginning of the series, which starts in the year 845. After his hometown of Shiganshina is attacked, 10-year-old Eren vows to kill all of the Titans. Five years later he's able to start actively pursuing that goal, joining the Survey Corps at the age of 15.
By the time season 4 comes around, Eren is 19 years old.
2. Armin Arlert

Although Armin is established as a bit more timid than his best friends Eren and Mikasa Ackerman, he is the same age as them. That makes Armin 10 years old at the start of the series, 15 when he joins the Survey Corps, and 19 during Season 4.
3. Mikasa Ackerman

Mikasa acts far more mature and is definitely stronger than her two best friends Eren and Armin. She is also the same age as them, making her 10 years old when Shiganshina is attacked, 15 when she joins the Survey Corps, and 19 in Season 4.
4. Captain Levi

The Scout Regiment's commanding officers are obviously older than their cadets, but just how old are they? Let's start with the stoic Captain Levi. The captain's actual age has never been officially confirmed. Isayama himself said that Levi was in his "early 30s," according to the Attack on Titan Wiki. If we assume that when we first meet Levi in his early 30's when Eren, Mikasa and Armin are 15, we can then draw the conclusion that he's around 35-38 years old in Season 4.
5. Hange Zoe

Hange Zoe's age is also a bit of a mystery. They appear to be close in age to Captain Levi, and many fans have assumed that Hange is around 29 to 32 years old in Season 1. Isayama has never officially confirmed Hange's age, but if they are close in age to Levi, that would make them around 34 or 36 years old by the time Season 4 starts.
6. Erwin Smith

Commander Erwin Smith is one of the oldest Attack on Titan characters, although his exact age has also not been confirmed by Isayama. Let's go with context clues. If Levi and Hange are subordinates to Erwin, and Erwin was the commander of the Survey Corps by the time Eren, Mikasa and Armin join the ranks, then that must mean Erwin has to be at least a few years older than Hange and Levi.
So if Levi is in his early thirties in Season 1, Erwin has to be somewhere between 35-39 years of age. Again, Isayama never confirmed Erwin's actual age, so this is speculation. However, it would make sense that the Commander of the Survey Corps was older than his subordinates. Sadly, Erwin went down fighting in Season 3 so he never made it to the events of Season 4.
7. Jean Kirschtein

Jean Kirschtein was introduced as a bit of a hotheaded Survey Corps cadet, and immediately clashed with Eren. He is also 15 years old when he joins the Survey Corps at the same time as Eren. This makes Jean the same age as Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, so Jean is 19 years old during the events of Season 4.

8. Connie Springer

Connie Springer is one of Attack on Titan's best comic relief characters. He is the same age as Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Jean. This makes him 15 when he joins the Survey Corps, and 19 during the events of Season 4.
9. Sasha 'Potato Girl' Braus

Sasha 'Potato Girl' Braus was and continues to be an Attack on Titan fan-favorite character. Sasha is the same age as her teammates Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean and Connie, making Sasha 15 years old during her first iconic introduction eating a potato at the Survey Corps roll call in Season 1. From there her nickname 'Potato Girl' was born.
Sasha is alive and fighting with the Survey Corps during Season 4, but is sadly shot and killed by the 12-year-old Marleyan warrior candidate, Gabi Braun, making Sasha only 19 years old when she died. RIP Potato Girl!
Other 'Attack On Titan' character ages.
So there are other characters in Attack on Titan that warrant a mention. Here are the ages of the other characters that feature in Attack on Titan.
Zeke Yeager — 25 during Seasons 1-3. 29 in Season 4.
Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover — The two Marleyan warrior candidates who attacked Eren's hometown when Eren was 10 were both 12 years old at the time. That makes them 17 when they join the Survey Corps alongside Eren and the others.
Annie Leonhart — According to the Attack on Titan Wiki, Annie is one year younger than Reiner and Bertolt, although it's another age that hasn't been officially confirmed by Isayama. That would make her 16 when she joins the Survey Corps. Fans have wondered if she ages in the four years since she was encased in the Titan crystal.
Gabi Braun and Falco Grice — The two new Marleyan warrior candidates introduced in Season 4 are both 12 years old.
Attack on Titan Season 4, Part 2 premieres on Jan. 9, 2022.