If You Were Born in August, These Late-Summer Birthday Memes Might Be a Little Too Relatable

Updated Aug. 1 2019, 2:19 p.m. ET

August babies get a pretty raw deal. Because, sure, you might get to have a pool party, but your birthday could also coincide with the first day of school. Even worse, your teachers or co-workers might just lump your birthday in with the rest of the summer kids — not cool!
August birthday month memes to make you laugh... and cry.
It's an injustice, but you are not alone. The internet is full of people with August birthdays, and they're indignant about the lack of cake! Leos and Virgos, these August birthday month memes are just for you.
Have you ever felt so seen?! Maybe you should start celebrating your half-birthday on a bigger scale...

School should be canceled for your birthday month.
Thanks, Disney... but where did she get that cake?
Sending hugs! Better yet, let's pour one out for all the August babies.
Ain't that the truth! End-of-school-year birthdays are awesome, though. Call your mom and ask why she couldn't have made that happen.
There is a silver lining, though...
Jason Momoa's birthday is August 1, 1979! That doesn't make up for August babies' general lack of cake, but it is kinda cool to call Aquaman one of your own.
Of course, some people just don't like the heat...
And that's cool — to each their own!
Some people take it further, though, and shade the August birthday babies themselves!
Don't worry Leos (and Virgos), we love you!
And thankfully, there are plenty of other people who think you August birthday babes are something pretty special.
Well said, Mike.
Happy birthday, August babies! Send your friends a reminder text RN and maybe a meme too, and if worst comes to worst, buy your own birthday cake. You deserve a full-scale celebration!