Aunt Sends Sister Apple Pay Invoice After Babysitting Niece
"I can’t imagine charging my sister to keep my nephew … That’s my baby"

Published June 6 2024, 3:47 p.m. ET

A woman shared how baffled she was by her sister's Apple Pay request for $72 after agreeing to babysit her daughter.
TikToker Jessica Pares (@305_lil1) was incredulous after seeing the money request along with the itemized breakdown justifying the amount of money she was charging her sibling for looking after her child.
She shared just how inappropriate she thought her sister's request for money was in a green screen image she speaks over.
Jessica's sister's message reads as follows:
"Here is a breakdown of everything Victoria used in my home. Times are getting hard and I think it is only fair we charge for stuff that she used while being here. Can't wait for her to come over again."
And here are the charges she listed:
- Flushing toilet .50 per flush (x5)
- Handwashing .50 (x5)
- Using electricity to play video games (played My Little Pony for 20 mins) $7
- Bag of Chips $1 (x3)
- One cup of milk $1
- One cup apple juice $2.50 (x3)
- Dinner from Olive Garden $19
- Gas for driving to the park (Victoria's idea) $3.75
- Played on her iPad using my WiFi $10
- Netflix to watch a movie $4.50
- Peed on bed $10
- Paint used when drawing $1.25
Please pay $72 by APRIL 30th, 2024 to avoid interest.
Jessica begins her video discussing the drama that's been brewing as a result of her daughter's stay at her sister's house — drama that hasn't been restricted to personal text messages or their own conversations, but now for everyone on the internet to see.
"This is an invoice for her requesting $72 because my daughter stayed with her over the weekend because I had to go to work."

"And um, she's charging me like, how ridiculous is this girl? Like, she flushed the toilet five times, $10 for Wi-Fi, $4.50 for Netflix, a bag of chips, like really? Really? How ridiculous is she? You know?" the woman says to her followers in the clip.
"My ridiculous sister," she writes in a caption for the video. Her sister also posted a reply to a comment from one user who seemed to support her decision to charge her sister for looking after her daughter. In the clip, she highlighted that had her sister decided to go and bring her daughter to a daycare instead, then she would have ended up spending much more money.

Jessy (@xo.jessyy) replied to the commenter in her clip: "Thank you so much for agreeing with me. You're like one of the few. If she were to have taken my niece to a daycare they would have charged her at least like $150 just to watch her. I have enough on my plate, you know I have a lot of people that live here, so her coming over here was an extra mouth to feed," the TikToker's sister said.
The maligned woman continued, "[She] was an extra person who was breathing in my home. Taking away from my children. It definitely caused so much freaking stress you don't even know. I was mentally exhausted, it was so stressful having so many children here. I just couldn't deal with it," she said, seemingly stating that $72 would have helped her deal with that stress a bit better.
"So maybe I should have added on the invoice 'emotional distress,' like would that be a thing? Should I have added that? People don't understand how hard it is to have children into your home and make sure everything's OK and that they're not getting hurt you know that they're actually eating and stuff like that?" she said.
The sister said that she didn't believe she was out of line in any way shape or form in asking for the $72 from her sibling: "So I don't think I did anything wrong. I charge my grandkids, so...."

Judging from the comments left by several other users on the application, it didn't seem like there were many people who supported the aunt's decision to charge Jessica for Victoria's stay: "That’s family. I’d never act like this," one person remarked.
Another penned: "I watch my nieces and nephews all the time I NEVER ask for anything. Those are my babies too!!!"
"I take my nephew on vacay with me and don't charge his parents a thing. I could never be this aunt smh," one person replied.

There did seem to be one person who responded to the aunt's video who was trying to understand her point of view, as they asked: "Did you let her know this before she came over or you just came up with prices out of nowhere?"
What do you think? Which sister are you siding with? Do you think sending a family member an invoice for looking after their kid for the weekend is cool?