Austin McBroom Wants You to Know He's Been Going to Church

Updated Jan. 25 2024, 11:53 a.m. ET
Family vloggers are no strangers to controversy, and the ACE Family has been at the center of plenty of scandals as they've risen through the ranks of YouTube. After numerous allegations that Austin McBroom was cheating on his wife Catherine Paiz, the couple announced through separate Instagram posts that they were officially divorcing.
Of course, both Catherine and Austin have been posting independently about their growth, and both of them have been making plenty of posts frequently attending church. Neither of them has ever been shy about praising God throughout their internet career, but what religion do Austin and Catherine follow?
What religion is Austin McBroom a part of?
Despite being incredibly vocal about his commitment to God online, Austin has not disclosed to the internet what religion he follows. Based on how frequently the former couple referenced their love of God in their content, it's easy to assume that they have the same faith. From this, we can surmise from Catherine's previous posts that Austin is probably Christian.
There was some speculation that the ACE family was converting to Islam after Austin and Catherine visited the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Dubai. While on the trip, Catherine wore a hijab, further fueling the rumors, but there has been no confirmation from Catherine or Austin that either of them is Muslim.
Catherine Paiz attends a notably anti-LGTBQ+ church.
On Catherine's Instagram story, she posted about going to Shepherd Church on Jan. 7. According to the church's About page, it is “the most racially diverse church in L.A.”
The church's website doesn't list one specific subsect of Christianity that it adheres to, though its website makes it clear that it's not pro-LGBTQ+, writing "people were created with equal intrinsic value and two distinct biological sexes only male and female. God designed marriage to be a union between one male and female." It's currently unclear if Austin or Catherine hold these values personally.
Other influencers have made fun of Austin's recent videos about religion.
Following the announcement of their divorce, Austin's posts have centered largely on his commitment to going to church regularly.
"Hey everybody, just pulled up to church. Trying to get that good word in, as you guys know, I'm trying to get closer to the man above," Austin starts in his Snapchat video, which has since been reposted on other platforms. "Really focusing on my body, my mind, and my spirit... been consistently going to church, you know, trying to live the word."
The video has been reposted on TikTok with the caption "POV: any toxic man after he gets dumped."
The comments of the original video are filled with people making fun of Austin for how committed he is to "trying to get that good word in."
"The way he's updating us on [every] single aspect of his life is very telling," one commenter wrote, while another said, "Boy pls just type this in your notes app."
Even fellow controversial creator Josh Richards made a post mocking Austin's Snapchat story.
"Yo what's up guys, just pulled up to church. Gotta get a combo in with the guy in the sky. The big man with the plan," Josh started the video, which was captioned "POV: you're a toxic guy who just went through a divorce [because] you cheated on your wife. "You know, just focusing on my mind, my body, my spirit right now — or in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, as they say at the church that I go to."
Clearly, not everyone has faith in Austin's commitment to bettering himself following the divorce announcement.