Ava Louise Gives Her Side of the Mike Majlak Cheating Scandal (EXCLUSIVE)

Updated Nov. 19 2020, 9:56 p.m. ET

If you're a Logan Paul fan, you've definitely heard him and his good friend, Mike Majlak, talk about how Mike cheated on his new girlfriend while he was on a trip to New York City. The boys have made the story the butt of many jokes on their podcast, including calling the girl a "dumpster gremlin" when talking about how Mike had to make up his infidelity to his new girlfriend.
But Ava Louise, the alleged "dumpster gremlin" who is best known for her appearance on Dr. Phil, has a story different than the one he and his friends tell on the internet. The aspiring Instagram influencer spoke with us about the scandal and why she decided to respond.

Ava openly admitted that she hooked up with Mike.
If you ask her for her side of the story, Ava admits that she hooked up with Mike that night he was in New York. But her story is a little different than his.
For starters, she claims that she had met Mike before the night. In fact, they had talked multiple times before he made that trip to New York after she sent him an initial DM (which, she claims she "never even thought that he would answer" and only messaged him because her friend thought he was hot).
"I wasn't necessarily trying to hook up with Mike," she said. "I liked having the open line of communication, because the way you grow in this industry is other influencers... I wanted him more so as a connection than just a quick hookup. That was my master plan with the entire thing."
But she claims that Mike asked her to come out while he was in New York, and that he later suggested she come back to his hotel room with him.
"I wasn't waiting outside a club chasing him like he made it seem," she said.

Ava also claims that she had asked Mike about his supposed new girlfriend, former porn star Lana Rhodes, who had been making frequent appearances in Mike's videos. She said that he claimed they weren't actually together, and Ava assumed they were faking their relationship for views (similar to Tana Mongeau and Jake Paul's marriage).
"I didn't think I was homewrecking a relationship at all," she said. "I 1000 percent believed him that the relationship was just for clout because that's what happens."
But it wasn't long after they hooked up that Mike told Lana what he did and they began openly insulting her on the internet.
But Ava doesn't want to play the victim.
If you ask her why she decided to respond to the scandal as soon as Lana tweeted about it, Ava will admit it's because she was fine with capitalizing off of it.
"I never intended on making it public, ever," she said. "This was a best-case scenario for me. As a growing social media personality, you eat off of scandals and you grow off of scandals, and Mike knows that because that's why he brought it to the internet."
After replying to Lana's tweet with her evidence that Mike had asked her to hook up, Ava was instantly targeted by Lana's fans and others in the Logang. Before continuing to respond, she consulted Trisha Paytas, who she says she's known and worked with for a while.
"She's like you want your name out there, then just keep tweeting. Just go full throttle. You want this to go away, just stop," she said. "But I went full throttle... I have a lot of friends that are high up in the industry. They're like just keep going, just keep trolling, just keep pushing. No matter how I felt about it." Trisha later released a video defending Ava.
And she admits it hasn't been easy to deal with the hate she's been getting online, which she claims has been intense. While she knows that feeding into internet scandals is one way to successfully gain a following, it's taken a toll on her mentally.
"It feels like taking molly where you're like on this rush and this high from all of the attention you're getting, but then there's a comedown — and there's a bad comedown," she said. "Like you're in your bed and you're like do I actually look this way? Am I actually ugly? What was his intention hooking up with me? Like did he just use me? Am I really that worthless to guys? Am I ever going to be able to date again? Thoughts like that. But I can't just go tweet that because no one's going to care."

Ava feels that since her following is only just beginning to grow, playing the victim won't help her any. She claims that her first instance of going viral was when she was sexually assaulted at a frat party. Ava claims the assault was filmed and passed around in different group chats, putting a target on her back.
"I thought if I could survive that, why not capitalize off the fact that this happened?" she said. "If I made a video crying, or if I didn't say anything to defend myself, I probably would've looked more like a victim. But why the f--k do I have to make myself look like a victim?"
At the end of it all, Ava points out that it was Mike who cheated on his girlfriend, and she's the one receiving the backlash for it.
"Mike's the one who did something wrong, and just because I'm a clout chaser, he thinks that he can drag me through the mud," she said. "If no one cares anymore, why are they talking about it? Why do they get to talk about it and I just have to sit here and take all of the bullying?"