Ava Louise Says Her Mom Is Super Supportive of Her Internet Presence (EXCLUSIVE)

Updated April 7 2020, 4:53 p.m. ET

If you ask Ava Louise who her role models are, her answer is simple: Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, and her mom.
The budding influencer has managed to keep her face circulating on the internet recently. After being not-so-fondly remembered as the girl from Dr. Phil by Logan Paul and Mike Majlak (a title she admits she would love to get rid of), she blew up again after licking an airplane toilet, thus coining the fake "coronavirus challenge".
Ava has always wanted to be famous — it's not something she's ashamed of. In fact, she prides herself on her ability to grab the internet's attention. And her tactics work. Her song Skinny Legend Anthem has gone viral on TikTok, with members of the Hype House creating videos to it, and she claims she has potential record deals and TV appearances in the works because of her ability to remain the center of attention.

But for someone who previously told us, "I'm a messy b---h but I f--king love being a messy b---h," some can't help but wonder if everyone in her life is as enthusiastic of her bag-grabbing aspirations as she is.
The truth is, though, her parents are supportive of her internet presence, especially her mom, who she says has gone to bat to defend her daughter's antics, and she shared it all exclusively with Distractify.
Ava says her mom is fully supportive of her internet persona.
To better understand Ava Louise, you need to understand Ava, the girl behind the internet persona. When Ava previously spoke with Distractify, she admitted that most of what she puts on the internet is an exaggeration of herself, playing up her worst characteristics on purpose to get people's attention.

But the reality is that her offline persona is not as extreme as her online one. Ava describes herself as a "good person," noting that no matter how extreme her clout chasing ventures are, she makes sure she's the only one targeted with any of her jokes.
"I'm not going to bully someone for clout. I'm not going to tweet something horrible and transphobic and racist and awful," she said. "That's too far."
Ava admitted that her mother wasn't on board with all of her online antics at first, responding as you'd expect almost any parent would.
"At first, she used to want to kill me. She'd be like Ava, what the hell are you doing?" the 22-year-old said. "But she watched Jersey Shore with me [growing up] and I slept with Vinny and she even thought that was cool."
If you're not familiar with that story, Ava made an entire TikTok about the time she claims to have hooked up with the Jersey Shore icon.
"She knows this has been my dream. I've never wanted to do anything else but be famous. And I will do anything for that," she said. "So she's learned to support it. Like 'OK my daughter is literally playing a character.'"
But while her mom supports her, Ava keeps her largely off of her social media, more for her protection and privacy than anything else.
Ava said some of her online persona is based on her mother.
While Ava's online presence is a clear amalgamation of dramatic internet trends and emphasizes the worst parts of herself, she admits that part of that image she bases on her mother.
"I base my personality and my persona off [my mom] very hard," she said. "A lot of my 'I'd rather die hot than live ugly' came from her."
She's previously admitted that she ate excessive amounts of diet pills to lose weight when she was younger, which she partly attributes to having a "hot mom," as she puts it. While this might've been one reason she put pressure on herself to look pretty when she was younger, Ava also says it's why she has the confidence she does today.
This doesn't mean that her relationship with her mother is bad, though. In fact, Ava says she currently feels like she and her mother can better understand each other now, which helps their relationship — especially with how often Ava is the subject of headlines.
"I don't want to villainize my mom. She does give me the world... She is one of my biggest inspirations no matter the spats we had," she said. "She's not perfect, and she didn't raise a perfect kid, but I'm an age now where I can understand her."
Now, Ava says her mom is vocal with her support, not letting what other people think of her daughter make her feel like a bad mom.
"I mean, we've had our problems in the past for sure, but lately she's been super supportive — like she understands," she said. "Because I've been making money and my songs go viral. She's just realized like my daughter is killing it."