This Couple's Adorable "Awkward" Engagement Photos Will Make You Believe in Love

Updated Sept. 5 2019, 1:13 p.m. ET
It's hard to decide what kind of feel you want for your engagement photos. Often, these photos are how you announce to the world that you're getting married! You want to look good, but you also want to be true to yourself.
Well, Madison Moxley and Mason Whitis had a vision in mind for their engagement photo session. They are goofy and fun-loving and meant for each other, and their "awkward," '80s-style engagement photos, which they got taken at JCPenney Portraits, totally reflect that.
Madison posted these photos of her and Mason to Facebook, where they went viral within days. "Your girl is getting married!" writes Madison. "Since this is getting shared so much, I just wanted to tell our story. Mason and I met on Tinder over two years ago. We met at Kohl's (don't do that kids) and talked all night."
They hit it off instantly, learned that they were born in the same hospital two days apart, and had been in the same room several times since then without knowing. "We even both got in trouble as children for eating a whole box of Little Debbie brownies in one setting," she continued. It was clearly meant to be.
She goes on to explain what we can already see from these hilarious photos: that "humor has been the centerpiece" of their entire relationship. "Mason does whatever he can do to make me laugh. You may think these photos were my idea, but Mason is the real mastermind," wrote Madison.
There are several aspects of these photos that I simply cannot get over. His hair! Her socks and Keds! His flip flops! Her high half-ponytail! Both of their sweaters! The real kicker is the JCPenney Portraits watermark. Classic. To be honest, though, I would 100 percent seriously wear those jeans she's got on. They're actually cute.
These two are so clearly in love, and Madison's post proves it. She writes, "We've seen countless movies, eaten a brain burger, bungee jumped, performed improv, broken bones, had surgeries, lost weight, discussed just how attractive Chris Hemsworth really is, gained weight, moved to the city, graduated college, learned to longboard, and supported each other through our dreams.
"We watched them change and grow between us. Mason loves my ambition and I love his big heart. He's the one I can always count on and look to in times of need, and I hope he knows I'd do the same for him."
I'm crying, and it's not just because this kiss is so hilariously, painfully awkward that my eyes produced tears just so I could stop looking at it. These two are simply adorable.
This photo shoot came to life in the special way it did thanks to 25-year-old JCPenney Portraits photographer Dawn Winebrenner from Louisville, Kentucky. She's been working there for four years and has a great passion (and clear talent) for photography.
In an interview with Bored Panda, Dawn explained that she talked to Madison and Mason earlier in the day and made their appointment. "We talked about ideas and what to bring," she said. "I was very excited about doing this engagement shoot. I have done several of the silly '80s shoots before... So I had an idea of what I was going to make them do."
Dawn was clearly the right person for the job because these turned out so well. "They were awesome to work with and we vibed off each other really well," Dawn said. They loved all my ideas for the posing." We all do, Dawn. We all do.
"It was awesome to work with two people that truly love each other and really enjoyed being around each other," Dawn continued. "They are both very kind people and I could tell that from bring around them."
Madison's post has been shared over 12,000 times since she posted it less than a week ago. In the comments, so many people are tagging their significant others asking to do their engagement photos like this. Madison and Mason may have just started a huge trend.
Honestly, I hope so, because these photos are hysterical and I want a million more of them. Nothing is more romantic than a couple who will go hard on a bit together and be willing to look absolutely ridiculous while doing so.
Congrats on your engagement, Madison and Mason! I hope your relationship remains as silly and comforting as those absolutely insane sweaters you're wearing.