Woman Tries to Reach Her Baby Daddy By Graffitiing All Over Town

Updated Aug. 7 2019, 2:00 p.m. ET
It's 2019. Almost everyone is traceable by phone or social media or both. It's hard to disappear. So when someone successfully falls off the face of the earth, it is infuriating! How did they do it? Where are they? I imagine it's even more frustrating when the person who you can't get in touch with is the father of your unborn child.
One pregnant woman from Frankston, Australia, a suburb of Melbourne, is clearly at her wits' end, because she can't get in touch with the man who got her pregnant. And she's not having it. So she spray-painted a message to him in purple paint all over the town of Frankston. And when I say "all over," I mean it.

When you think of vandals who are menaces to their cities, spray-painting landmarks and causing trouble, you don't often think of desperate mothers-to-be trying to get in touch with the men who got them pregnant. But that's exactly what's going on in Frankston.
"Chris U Need 2 Talk 2 Me B4 Baby Is Born Or Don't Bother After," the message reads. It's direct. It's clear. It could maybe be a little more concise, but it gets the point across. Chris better get in touch before she pops out this baby or he needs to never talk to her again.
People all over Frankston started taking pictures of the message wherever they found it and sharing it on various social media platforms. The message appeared on walls, buildings, and in parks on public barbecues, like the one above.

People began posting photos of the messages to Snap Send Solve, an app where people can report maintenance issues that require attention. These messages were found all over town. Apparently this woman wasn't going to leave a building untouched if it meant that Chris might see her message.
The Frankston Community Noticeboard has collected and posted the photos on their Facebook page, along with captions like, "Chris... Can you please just call her before she destroys the whole city?" Whether or not he called her, I think it's pretty safe to say, due to the viral nature of her messages, she probably at least got his attention.

According to news.com,au, this mysterious pregnant vandal is a 36-year-old woman who has been found and arrested. She was "charged with criminal damage, wilful damage, mark graffiti and commit indictable offence whilst on bail."
Sure, she may have committed a crime, but I don't blame her for getting angry enough to do it. Plus, as one commenter wrote, "you can't knock her communication skills." She might have been out of line with the law, but her methods were effective at grabbing the attention of, well, pretty much the whole world. Still not sure if Chris ended up calling her, though.
On social media, responses to the pregnant vandal (as I've dubbed her) varied. "She must have gotten ghosted. I hate that too. I feel her," someone wrote. "So sad and desperate," another wrote. "I think she's better off without him!!" another exclaimed.
Still, others appealed directly to Chris, whoever he is and wherever he might be. "Seriously wtf mate? Just call her," one man wrote. "Be a man Chris," another wrote. "Contact the woman, time to step up to the plate and be a father, you won't regret it."
Whatever the outcome for Chris and this woman, there's now a new effective way to get the attention of those who try to ghost you. How much do you want to bet there are other frustrated people out there who've been ghosted or ignored clicking "Complete Order" on several cans of spray paint?