Woman Told Her Sister Her Daughter's Name Is "Stupid" — and Um, Well, Judge for Yourself

Updated June 15 2020, 4:59 p.m. ET

When I tell you this post in Reddit's "Am I the A-hole?" has the most extraordinary payoff, please believe me. The reveal that comes in literally the last line of the post makes the whole saga worth it. I promise.
In the post, OP, a pregnant woman, explains that she and her husband are about to have their first kid, a boy. OP's sister has one kid, a daughter, who is nearly a year old. She and her whole family are white, but her husband is Vietnamese, so after much deliberation, they chose a Vietnamese name, Van, for their son. Cute, right?

Her family was so excited to learn the sex of the baby and the name they chose... Well, everyone except her sister. "My sister made some rude comments about my son's name," she writes. "Not outright malicious, but she said things like, 'Oh you mean like the creepy kidnapper kind of van?' and, 'That's a bit silly, isn't it?'"
OP was understandably annoyed by this, and she responded, "Well, it's not any worse than your daughter's name." Her sister couldn't handle a taste of her own medicine and got really offended.
"She asked what I meant and I told her she named her kid in the typical cringey-white-mom way," OP writes. "She got even more offended by that and told me I was way out of line insulting my niece likes that, and dropped out of the call."
At this point, it was extremely awkward and OP's parents told her she should have just "let it go." But just like her sister doesn't want anyone making fun of her daughter's name, OP doesn't want anyone making fun of her son's name before he's even arrived.

OP didn't say anything about her sister's choice of name for her daughter when she announced it because she didn't want to be mean. Of course, people in the comments were begging to know what the sister named her daughter. You might want to clean the floor because that's where your jaw is about to be.
Are you ready for this? I don't think you're ready for this. Because there's no way to prepare yourself for what's about to happen. OK, here we go. Take a deep breath.
In a response to a comment asking for the name, OP writes, "I debated posting her name but I doubt my brother-in-law or sister even know what Reddit is so:
"It's pronounced Mah - Kennedy."
McKennedeigh. MCKENNEDEIGH. When she said it was a "cringey-white-mom" name, I believed her, but I had no idea. It's...so bad. MCKENNEDEIGH. MCKENNED — and you think you know where the rest of it is going. It's got to be Y, right? McKennedy? But no, it's -EIGH.

In an edit to her original post, OP writes, "Her justification was that she originally wanted McKenzie but a friend already named her kid that... Then she chose Kennedy, but she wanted something more feminine too... So, yeah."
The comments are hilarious. "I was expecting something like 'Kayleigh' but this is so much worse," one person wrote. It's true! I don't know how it's that bad, but it really, truly is.
"Van is a fine, respectable name found in a few cultures," another person wrote. "McKennedeigh is a mid-western fever-dream induced from sniffing MLM nail polish that you're trying to pawn off onto other PTA moms."