The Best, Cutest Baby Yoda Memes on the Internet

Updated Dec. 2 2019, 12:46 p.m. ET
What do you do when someone mentions Baby Yoda? Do you squeal like you've just seen a newborn puppy? Do you shed a genuine tear because you've been reminded of all the beauty this world possesses? Do you have serious aggressive thoughts about squeezing him until he bursts because he's so cute? Well, you are not alone. Baby Yoda is officially a cultural phenomenon.
He's young but he's old. He's green but he's wise. His big eyes make you want to protect him with your soul. Baby Yoda memes have become a genre in and of themselves. These are our favorite ones.
Moms on Christmas
Have you ever seen a cuter image or a more perfect representation of what moms look like while they're wearing their pajama sets, holding their giant reindeer mugs, and watching you open presents on Christmas morning? I submit that you have not.
Paul Rudd and Baby Yoda
Yes, Baby Yoda is technically 50 years old. I guess whatever species he is lives to be very old, so at 50 he still looks like a teeny tiny baby. The same is true for Paul Rudd. I don't know what species that dude is, but he's clearly some other kind of creature.
Baby Yoda's modus operandi
You know when you see a profile of a CEO in a magazine and they talk about their morning routine, and you're like, "Wow, I could never do that." That's a little like how I felt reading this. Baby Yoda has such a full schedule of protec-ing, atac-ing, and napping... I don't know how he does all that and still looks as youthful as he does!
Distracted boyfriend
We all thought porgs and BB8 were cute. And there were a good number of porg memes back in the day. But their popularity was nothing compared to the movement that is Baby Yoda. Distracted Boyfriend agrees.
Instagram vs. reality
With all the filters and editing capabilities of Instagram and other social media apps, people rarely look like they do in real life. Remember the next time you see a glamour shot of Baby Yoda that in real life, he probably looks like Old Yoda.
Staying in
Wow, I don't know if I have ever related to a meme more than this one. I can't even tell you how many nights I watched from the doorway, wrapped in a blanket and holding a cup of tea, while my friends got dressed in tight dresses and heels to go out for the night.
Baby Yoda dog
If I saw Baby Yoda in a car, I don't think I would be able to help myself. I think I would fly into a cuteness rage, break the window, and rescue him just to give him a big ol' hug.
My dog
OK, I am going to say this and it might be controversial, but it doesn't matter because it is the truth. My dog is cuter than Baby Yoda. They kind of look alike, but my Simon takes it. Sorry not sorry.
Murder, wrote she
I love this so much. Look, The Mandalorian is fine, but I would LOVE a show about a black widow Baby Yoda who lives a life of luxury thanks to multiple rich, dead husbands who died mysterious deaths. I would watch 20 seasons of that show.
Dunkin' Yoda
It's always Dunkin' Iced Coffee season. No matter how frozen it makes your fingers. I know that. You know that. And Baby Yoda knows that.