Bad Bunny Fans Are This Close to Rioting After Ticketmaster Crashed

Updated April 15 2021, 6:39 p.m. ET

Fandom is a fickle beast for some pop stars. There are a few artists who can ride that wave for an entire career it seems, and they'll sell out shows for decades and decades. For others, they become mega famous for a brief period of time and then their careers begin to lose steam.
Whatever your thoughts are of reggaeton star Bad Bunny's career longevity, the fascination fans have with his music has shown no sign of slowing down. It's something that's perfectly encapsulated in these concert memes.
That's right, Bad Bunny fans are expressing their frustration at not being able to secure concert tix in these memes.
Fans of the artist are flocking to book tickets for his latest tour and were patiently waiting in virtual lines on Ticketmaster, only to be met with service and time-out errors.
Imagine the frustration, horror, and gut-punching disappointment when you've discovered that all of your time waiting in a virtual line was for naught.
It probably looked a little bit like this:

Yes, there's agony, but if you're a Bad Bunny fan, you'll also have the sheer determination and will to get your hands on those concert tickets no matter what.
Because if there's one thing that we've learned from the artist's performance at Wrestlemania, it's that if you drive yourself to be honestly enthusiastic about whatever you're doing, you're going to accomplish some truly amazing things.
But, then again, if Ticketmaster's site crashed, well, there really isn't much else you can do except lament on social media and curse the service provider for not having their ducks in a row.
Fans are expressing their unadulterated sadness and disbelief that they won't be able to get their hands on tickets.
Some people even stated that this was the beginning of their personal arc as a villain.
Others pointed out that there were better alternatives to Ticketmaster that didn't screw them over.
For some, waiting in line and trying to get tickets was the least of their problems... First came being able to afford the tickets. Or maybe you're the type of person who managed to get tix but you didn't even deserve them because you're not a big enough fan.
If you managed to wait in line and get your hands on the tickets, what are you going to do, not buy them? That's what credit cards are for.
I mean, really, what else are you going to spend your money on? School? Seriously? You're paying back your student loans?
Some people discovered a cool workaround so they wouldn't have to actually attend the concert, spend any money, or wait in line.
Is it worth getting nosebleeds? I'd say yes, yes it is. And maybe it's worth ruining your relationship over because if this is really the type of thing that'll make someone stop dating you, then maybe you shouldn't be dating in the first place.
Some people are already making the conditions about contacting them or sliding into their DMs very clear.
Others are just biding their time for couples to break up so they can nab some tickets as a result. But at this rate, I think the exes would show up even if they're no longer together. It's Bad Bunny.
But B.B. wasn't always this popular at this shows.
The demand for his concerts are so high that he added additional dates for select cities, like Miami and Dallas.
So were you lucky enough to get your hands on some tickets? Or are you just enjoying the memes created by others who are as unfortunate as you?