“Is He a Villain in the Next Pixar Movie?” — Woman Can’t Stop Laughing at Husband’s New Haircut

Published Dec. 5 2023, 8:35 a.m. ET

A couple's breathless laughter while showing off one of their unfortunate haircuts is cracking up the internet. Tori (@torijjensen) posted a clip of her husband's shaped-up hairline and couldn't breathe after seeing how it looked. And while a lot of folks shared in their laughter upon seeing the end result of his trip to the barber, there were others who were touched by the duo's shared reaction to sharing his haircut with the web.
"My husband's barber misunderstood the assignment," Tori writes in a text overlay of the clip as she records her significant other walking into the room. She zooms into his face to show the barber's handiwork as she laughs off-camera.
Her husband then turns to the side to show off the hair-cutting error, revealing a sharp, angular shape-up that looks like something Robbie Rotten would rock in Lazytown. He joins in her laughter, and the camera transitions to showing his wife burying her face in a couch cushion, she lifts her face up to laugh some more, her face red, before covering it with her hands again as if merely looking at his head is too much to bare without being struck with a bout of the giggles.
Her husband takes the poor haircut in jest one last time, turning the camera around on his face, again, laughing at his follicular misfortune.
Tori concedes in a caption for that post: "It's a look for someone no doubt. But my husband is not him."
Many commenters joined in on the laughter by providing some jokes of their own, like one TikTok user who wrote: "idk why but it's giving Sharks Tale?"
After seeing this character from the film, it's easy to understand why they made that connection.
Someone else chimed in to praise the man's haircut. Was it genuine praise? Probably not, but at least they said something nice: "That boy SHAARRRRRPPPPPPP"
Another penned: "Looking like a nerdy villain lol"

There were other folks, like this user, who thought it was sweet that the two of them could laugh about it, especially her husband, as he's the one who has to walk around rocking those daggers on his forehead: "I love that he’s such a good sport about it though. This type of thing would send my boyfriend into an emotional spiral."
And while the internet is packed with clips that provide a certain amount of schadenfreude, the aforementioned TikTok user is onto something as there's a lot of research penned from relationship analysts online that says couples who can laugh together enjoy longer, happier relationships.
Marriage.com posted a listicle delineating a slew of different "benefits" couples who laugh together enjoy over other paired individuals who maybe don't enjoy as much playful heckling, humorous back-and-forth quips, or being able to crack jokes in not-so-ideal situations.

Being able to laugh is indicative of what the site calls "subjective well-being" i.e. if you feel comfortable to laugh around someone, or if they're able to make you giggle in a variety of different circumstances means that they enjoy spending time with you. Which is probably what you would want in a partner, right?
The outlet also states that being able to laugh is a good sign of "relationship satisfaction" and a better "quality of life," but it also demonstrates commitment. Getting to understand someone else's sense of humor is usually predicated on open and honest communication, which is again, a cornerstone of any strong relationship.
There's also another elephant in the room when it comes to laughter in relationships: being able to joke around with someone and eliciting laughs from them adds a level of "excitement" to your dynamic. Being able to have a good time and be entertained with someone, especially after spending so much time with one another spells a better potential future than with someone you feel like you have to walk on egg shells around.

Time magazine also penned an article highlighting a study found in a journal titled Personal Relationships penned by Laura Kurtz, social psychologist for the University of North Carolina.
Kurtz, who "has long been fascinated by the idea of shared laughter in romantic relationships" had a lot to say about the topic and believes that couples who laugh more together enjoy better and longer last partnerships: "We can all think of a time when we were laughing and the person next to us just sat there totally silent," she said.
"All of a sudden that one moment takes a nosedive. We wonder why the other person isn’t laughing, what’s wrong with them, or maybe what’s wrong with us, and what might that mean for our relationship."
Her study was conducted on 77 different heterosexual couples: 154 people total.

She broke down the conclusion of her study: "In general, couples who laugh more together tend to have higher-quality relationships. We can refer to shared laughter as an indicator of greater relationship quality."
So while Tori's video about her husband's rough haircut may provide folks with a greater appreciation of their own stylists or an opportunity to chuckle at someone else's rough 'do, it also hopefully highlights that her and her main squeeze have a great thing going between the two of them. And who doesn't love seeing love captured on camera?