Hi, Barbie! Are You a Low Commitment Girlfriend?

Published Aug. 1 2023, 11:25 a.m. ET

Warning: This story contains Barbie movie spoilers!
Audiences everywhere were taken by a mostly pleasant surprise with Greta Gerwig's Barbie. While plenty of iconic lines and moments were in the film, we need to discuss the "long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend" zinger that Ken so easily throws out there.
After Barbie returns from her run through the real world, she returns to find Ken has turned Barbieland into one massive patriarchal horse shrine now called Kendom.
Not only that, he took over the Barbie dream house and turned it into his own mojo dojo casa house. According to him, the only way she can join him is if she becomes his "long-term, long-distance, low-commitment casual girlfriend" or his "bride wife" as he so eloquently put it.
We've never had such a name for this narcissistic pseudo-dating phenomenon until now (thank you, writers)! But what does it mean and how can we forget this relatable term now exists? Hold on to your horses and faux fur coats because this one's a doozy.
What is a long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend? Let's break it down.
Today's dating world has opened doors to various unique dating styles that some active daters have found themselves lovesickly stumbling into before realizing it's not at all what they thought they signed up for.
In enters the defining term that shook the nation—long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend. Now in the real world, this would be synonymous with a "situationship." The only difference is calling it a "situationship" would hurt a little less.
To put it simply, after embracing patriarchal ideology, Ken did not want to actually be a boyfriend to Barbie, he wanted her to be in his life solely for his own benefit. He wanted someone to play the guitar at or someone to push around, if you will, and nothing more.
Another trait of this type of "relationship" is that there are absolutely no expectations. None. There can't be any because the man in this scenario is "low commitment" therefore will not be obligating himself to any efforts beyond his own indulgence.
The bottom line is a long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend is a girl who receives nothing in exchange for committing themselves to this type of relationship.
It means having a long-term long-distance low-commitment casual boyfriend who wants the benefit of exclusivity without the effort or promise of anything beyond the moment. A tale as old as time.
Plenty of women found themselves heavily relating to the "low commitment girlfriend" title on social media.
Struck by the revelation, women took to social media to share their shock at the simple yet perfect articulation of what many go through while looking for love in certain relationships.

Some people embraced it by accessorizing the pain!
Thankfully, the film did not end without some sort of solution to this and that came in the form of self-love. True to the post-modern, satirical feel of the movie, Ken realized he was "Kenough" on his own after all.
He didn't need to brainwash women into a co-dependent long-term long-distance low-commitment casual relationship to receive the respect and validation he yearned for all along. Yay, Ken!