Woman Receives Box of Elton John CDs Instead of Her Bath & Body Works Package

Published Dec. 20 2023, 10:56 a.m. ET
Ordering any sort of package during the holiday season is going to be a challenge, but when TikToker Keke Guava ordered a “bunch of stuff” from Bath & Body Works on Black Friday, her package went through its own little adventure. As she tracked the package, it was in the wrong state, rerouted, and finally delivered, she shared on TikTok.
But when it was delivered, she was faced with a major surprise. Instead of all of her Bath & Body Works goods, the package was filled with Elton John CDs. It’s not only super random and hilarious, but also confusing! What could have possibly happened?!
Keke shared on TikTok how her Bath & Body Works package showed up full of Elton John CDs.
We always expect package mishaps, but not to the level that Keke dealt with. “So I ordered a bunch of stuff from Bath & Body Works on Black Friday,” Keke shared. “And it took a while for it to ship and when it did ship, I was watching it everyday. Because I love watching package-traveling TV.
“But I saw that it went to a different state for delivery, not the state that I live in. And I was a little confused, but then it said it was rerouted back to the post office in the city where I live. But then, my boyfriend stopped at the post office and asked where it was and they said, ‘We don’t know, everything is lost.’”
Even without the Elton John piece of the puzzle, this package has gone on quite the journey. Is anyone else clamoring for a Pixar movie following the life of Keke’s package? It could be called Keke’s Delivery in a nod to Miyazaki’s Kiki’s Delivery Service. It’s like a sequel, but has nothing to do with the original film!
But the story continues, and here’s where it gets weird. “Well, it showed up,” Keke said. “But it’s just Elton John CDs! It’s all Elton John! I love Elton John but I just want my home fragrances,” Keke laugh-cries along with her boyfriend.
We’re left wondering... Is this a comedy? A mystery? A tragedy? There are so many emotions and yet, confusion trumps all.
People want to know how Keke’s package ended up with Elton John CDs.
We all have a lot of questions, like how Keke’s package ended up in a different state first and why it was delivered with Elton John CDs? Luckily, Keke informed Bath & Body Works immediately of the situation when the package was lost, so they sent a replacement. She also filed a complaint with USPS because her package was tampered with, which is illegal.
But people in the comments have their own anecdotes about delivery service workers tampering with packages. They are the ones with the access, after all. Many comments about FedEx report receiving empty boxes or seeing the truck on their driveway, seeing the package marked “delivered,” but not getting anything.
Of course, part of the problem may be that delivery services should probably pay their workers more and maybe they wouldn’t be tempted to tamper with and intercept packages. On the other hand, Keke now has a full box of Elton John CDs and her Bath & Body Works order!
But the biggest question that may never be answered is who could possibly have that many Elton John CDs and why did they decide to pay them forward to an unsuspecting package receiver? Keke’s order transformed from fragrances to Bath and Body and Bennie and the Jets.