'Love Is Blind' Season 6: Jeramey's "Bean Dip" Comment to AD Was Actually Wild
Did Laura really tell Jeramey to "bean dip" another woman? Here's what that means and why it's not something to joke about.

Published Feb. 15 2024, 1:30 p.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Season 6 of Love Is Blind.
There's never a dull moment on Love Is Blind. And during Season 6, audiences were introduced to a NSFW term that sounds like something you might hear on the playground in middle school.
In Episode 6, the five newly engaged couples met up for a party on the beach during their engagement trip in Punta Canta. Naturally, there's no shortage of drinks, which of course, are served in the signature Love Is Blind golden wine glasses. It's a fun time as it's the first time that some of the contestants are meeting each other as they've only met their fiancés up to this part.
And some interesting comments are made. Jeramey, who is engaged to Laura, makes an off-the-cuff remark about bean dip to AD and you bet it turns into a whole thing. Below we discuss that whole bean dip ordeal and how viewers are discussing it on social media.

Jeramey says his fianceé Laura told him to "bean dip" AD. What does that mean?
At the beach party, some of Jeramey’s remarks to AD definitely raised a brow. He explained to her that his fianceé Laura taught him the slang term “bean dip” and told him to “bean dip” AD.
AD couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

The slang term “bean dip” as AD explained “is like a titty smack.” Upon further research, we found that to "bean dip" someone means to flick their breast with your index finger. In other words, Laura told Jeramey, the man she allegedly wants to marry, to basically flick AD’s breast, which just seems wildly inappropriate and disrespectful to AD.
Jeramey then called Laura over and confronted her about this, to which Laura claimed she was only joking.
While the men laughed it off, AD and Laura sat down and talked about it privately. "I made a simple a-- joke," Laura said, seemingly upset that Jeramey had repeated what she said. Although AD didn't seem offended, she told Laura that it was disrespectful to her fiancé Clay who was sitting right next to Jeramey as this happened, claiming that Clay didn't originally get it was a joke and understandably became overprotective of his woman.
Laura ultimately placed the blame on Jeramey for even bringing it up in the first place.
On social media, fans dished on the obscure exchange, claiming that the other engaged women were jealous of AD's body.
"AD had the WORST choices, then these women insecure around her because she has a good body, because why would you tell your man to “bean dip”another woman," wrote one fan.
Another applauded AD for explaining to Laura that it wasn't funny to bring up in front of Clay.
Meanwhile, another user commented on how "distasteful" it is AD's body is being sexualized in the series. Besides the bean dip comment, Jimmy also flirtatiously complimented AD on her curvaceous figure, which made his fianceé Chelsea jealous. Seemingly contestants are missing the point of the show and should instead focus on building their relationships with their fiancés, not AD's body!
Watch Love Is Blind Season 6 on Netflix.