Becky Lynch and Her Brother Both Shared a Love of Pro Wrestling From a Young Age

Published March 12 2021, 11:26 a.m. ET

The world is full of some pretty incredible people who've managed to fulfill their dreams at extremely high levels through persistence, dealing with the "ugly" parts of those dreams, and not letting anything dissuade them from satisfying the way that they want to live their lives. The WWE's Becky Lynch is a great example of that, but not much is known about her personal life prior to becoming a superstar, like her relationship between her brother and parents. That changed with a recent tragic announcement.
Who are Becky Lynch's parents?
Becky penned an emotional tribute to her father who passed away on March 11, 2021. While some of the more personal details about her father are unknown, she shared a ton of photos of them together. The wrestler gushed about his exceptional parenting skills, allowing her to express herself in any way that she wanted, even if it was, at the time, in a way that may have seemed strange to others.

She writes: "My Dad passed away this morning. My god was he a great Dad. My brother and I never had a seconds doubt that he loved us unconditionally. He was proud of us no matter what. Not for what we did, but for who we were. The rest was just details for my pops.
I used to always go to him with the most trivial of problems or concerns because I knew he would never judge. In my weird teenage years, he never batted an eyelid. “She’s just being herself” - he’d say, and would let me get back to my strange clothes and dog collar chokers."
She credited his faith in her ability to become a professional wrestler as a huge reason for her success: "When I told him I wanted to be a wrestler he never doubted me for a second even though I did. And when I would worry about taking risks he’d tell me “it’s an adventure Missy, enjoy it”- how right he was."
It seems like Becky (real name Rebecca Quin) further developed some of the traits she learned from her father to apply in her career, too.
"My Dad was a character, a gent, an athlete, an intellectual and a creator. He was always full of positivity and ready to have the chats with anyone he crossed paths with, making friends at every turn. Such a charmer he was with his unmistakable, slightly regal voice and love of storytelling. I was so proud to tell everyone 'my dad's an inventor'- none of my other friends dads invented s***. But mine did."

"I mustn’t have been more than 7 when he told me to keep a diary and I’ve been journaling ever since. He cultivated my love of books, writing, theatre, movies, life."
Becky, unfortunately, wasn't able to be present at the time of her father's passing, however, and she lamented the fact that her father wasn't able to meet her daughter, Roux, who she recently had with fellow WWE Superstar, Seth Rollins.
"I wish so much that I was able to be there. I wish that he would have met his baby granddaughter. He would have gotten a great kick out of her and she would have adored him. “She’s a great laugh”- as he would say. Though I know he was so happy to have lived to know she’s alive. I hope I can approach parenting the same way my Dad did with us."
She capped off her message with a Gaelic saying that means "farewell and love":
"Slan agus Gra. Lots of love and magic. I love you forever and miss you Pops. Becks."
In several photos with her dad, Becky Lynch's brother, Richy is present.
Both Becky and her older brother, Richy Quin, were adamant professional wrestling fans. Richy went by the ring name of Gonzo de Mondo and performed in various local circuits.
Richy actually got Becky into professional wrestling at a young age and the two of them were enrolled in a wrestling school established by NXT mega-talent Finn Balor. Early on, they operated as a tag team together.

Becky is a dead ringer for her mother, Anne.
The Superstar's mother and father separated when she was 1 year old, and Anne was reportedly not very supportive of her professional wrestling career. In fact, it's believed that Becky's mom was a huge influence on convincing her daughter to quit pro wrestling during the seven-year hiatus Becky had taken off from the sport.

Thankfully, Becky returned to the ring and ended up becoming one of the biggest stars the sport has ever seen.