Guy "Mansplains" Beer Choices to Server, Doesn't Realize She's Actually a Professional Brewer

Updated April 22 2023, 12:06 p.m. ET

There are fewer things more annoying than someone pretending like they know what they're talking about with full confidence and there are fewer things more satisfying than seeing a blowhard get called out when they're clearly in the wrong.
This is what happened recently to TikToker Dani Castleberry (@danicalifownia) while she was working as a server and dealing with a customer who thought that they knew a ton about beer. While he was initiating conversation with her about different brewing terminologies, she corrected him on some incorrect phrasing he used.
She says in the TikTok, "Sometimes I hate being a server because people just think I'm dumb like I'm a dumb feeble little girl and this guy came into the restaurant the other day and like without skipping a beat he explains to me every single beer on the menu. Like what it is and like where it's from like I didn't know."
If you thought that the height of the individual's pretension in explaining the beers on the menu to someone who spends their days serving them would end there, you'd be wrong. "And then he goes as far to explain the brewing process to me and I'm like yeah wow that's wild."

She continued, "And he said that they use diatomic earth to filter beers and also that nice juicy sour taste that you get is from lacto-mycellum. And I was like I think it's lacto bacillus and he goes like cackles, don't quit your day job like that's not, I don't think that's right sweetheart."

Clearly frustrated with the man's gratuitous confidence in his own understanding of beer, she continued her story, "I was like you're never gonna believe what my job is, but I didn't tell him but I am gonna show TikTok what my day job is."

The camera then cuts to Dani walking through a brewery, "This is my day job. I work at the oldest and most award-winning brewery in Nevada, and it is lacto bacillus, and it's not diatomic earth it's diatenacious earth. So, suck my-"
The clip closes out with Dani pouring beer into a glass from a keg.

TikTokers in the comments section of the video shared Dani's frustration with some offering up what their response would be had they been in the same scenario. Others recounted their own interactions with know-it-all customers who were otherwise not as knowledgeable as they thought in their conversations with employees.

"imagine a world where he had asked questions, found out about your other job, and learned cool new facts instead of lecturing! I can imagine it"
"I have had men TRY to explain muscle physiology to me in the gym and they have no idea that I am a professor of anatomy & physiology."

"Ugh I wish you had told him."
"I hope he has TikTok and sees this."
"The satisfaction of seeing the day job"
"Ugh... I wouldn't have the tolerance to politely deal w that attitude."
"turn it around and treat him like a toddler who just learned something new 'wow I'm so proud of you for knowing that!!'"

When folks asked Dani why she didn't call the customer out, Dani replied, "If I didn’t need his tip for my rent money I would have said something lmao"