‘Home Town’ Star Ben Napier Has Three Brothers Who Are All “Completely Opposite”
Updated Feb. 21 2021, 4:40 p.m. ET
We’ve told you all about Erin Napier’s brother, and now it’s time to shine the spotlight on her husband and Home Town co-star’s family. It turns out, Ben Napier has three siblings of his own — all brothers.
And Erin talked about the Napier boys in a 2015 blog post. “Maybe it’s because I come from a small family, with my only sibling being the opposite gender and much older than me, but I am endlessly fascinated by the way there can be four brothers, separated by just a few years, all cut from the same genetic cloth, all completely opposite in so many ways, and all exactly the same in others.”
Ben Napier's siblings are Sam, Tom, and Jesse.

Ben Napier
In the blog post, Erin revealed that Ben’s brother, Sam, is a math professor, a craft beer aficionado, and a talented cook who happens to enjoy a good debate.
Tom, meanwhile, is the “hot-tempered, unbearded Napier brother,” who became the owner of Napier Trucking. Erin said he hated school and “always wanted to see the world from behind the wheel of a Peterbilt [truck].” He and Ben also “talk on the phone every day like girls,” she wrote.
And Jesse is the “crazy polite” and introspective brother who enjoys thinking and discussing politics and sociological topics, Erin observed. “He’s not naturally social, but you’d never guess it,” she added.
As for her husband, Erin said Ben is “even-tempered” and “fearless in social situations.” He enjoys making and fixing things — as Home Town viewers can certainly attest — but he’s also into music and books.
The HGTV star also revealed that Sam married a redhead, Tom married a brunette, and Ben — of course — married a blonde. (At the time, Jesse was a bachelor. “Who knows who he will marry?” wrote Erin.)
But Erin also discussed the commonalities between the brothers: “They all love cars, Duke basketball, and believe their father is the smartest, toughest, wisest, coolest man on earth. And I’m so glad they’re my family.”
The boys have been focusing on their health recently.
The patriarch of the family is Pastor Wayne Napier, who told RadarOnline.com in 2019 that all four of his sons are large men. At the time, however, Ben had spent the prior year dropping 60 pounds after a doctor gave him a dire warning.
“I was really worried about Ben because we have heart disease in my family, it is a genetic thing,” Wayne added, saying he himself had a triple bypass surgery in 2014.
Apparently, all four boys were more conscious of their health at the time. “I had my warning, and I’m delighted that Ben and my other sons have been paying attention to their blood pressure and weight because it is very important,” Wayne told the site. “I love all my sons and I am proud of what Ben has achieved — we just want to make sure that he is around a long time for his family.”