Did Ben Shapiro Set up a Fake Antifa Recruitment Site?

Updated Aug. 10 2020, 9:39 p.m. ET

It's well known that Ben Shapiro is very openly anti-antifa. Those who identify as antifa, which literally stands for anti-fascist, have been facing a great deal of opposition, particularly from conservatives, with political commentators like Shapiro leading the charge.
In the past, Shapiro has told those who identify with antifa to "go to hell, you pathetic, lying, stupid jacka--es." The commentator is one of the last people anyone would expect to run an antifa recruitment site.
So, when Shapiro's name was found in the source code of braverthanthetroops.org, it seemed suspicious and strange. And it certainly was.
No, Ben Shapiro did not make an antifa recruitment site.
When Shapiro's name and email appeared in the source code of braverthanthetroops.org, the claim that he made the site went viral.

The website reads: "Antifa is recruiting new members in your town. If you’d like to join the fight against fascism, fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch shortly. If you have any issues filling out the form below (or simply would like to leave comments), please leave a voicemail at 202-643-5375 and one of our comrades will reach out to assist. We have many rallies planed [sic] on November 3rd, 2020 in suburban and rural neighborhoods across America."
It goes on to say that it is looking to recruit people ages 12 to 60.
However, Shapiro's name appeared to simply be added to the site as a joke on the commentator. The actual creator of it was quite literally hidden in plain sight. His name is linked to the homepage as "leader of Antifa."

The real creator's name is Adam Rahuba. The linking of his name as the "leader of Antifa" was done intentionally as there is no leader of antifa. Antifa is a political ideology, not an organized group. Rahuba shared that braverthanthetroops.org was a "honeypot" which worked as a "troll to f--k with far-right dorks." You may notice that, on the homepage of the website, the supposed recruitment team's phone number is displayed front and center. That was purposeful.
Why did Rahuba make the website?
It appears that Rahuba's real goal was to receive and record calls from those who oppose antifa. He collected the numerous messages and compiled them into videos that he's been sharing to social media. The calls are filled with the N-word, homophobic slurs, and numerous death threats, as well as countless demands that whoever made the site leave the country.
"No, your lives don't matter," one caller stated. "Your momma and them outta be ashamed. Instead of having you, they should've aborted you all."
"I'm gonna hang your f--king a--," another said. "I'm gonna gut you and your f--king wife, you dirty f--king, n----- loving f--ks. I hope the cops beat the s--t out of every single one of you."
"God love Trump and God love the confederate states of America," another stated.
"I hope somebody shoots every one of you f--king a--holes," said a caller.
"I don't have a f--king problem with burying you," another called in to say, while someone else said that whoever made the website was going to be "burned to death."
One of the few people who identified themselves on the call, Link Dellinger, issued the statement: "You bring your crap to my house and you will pay with your lives."
You can listen to more of these calls on Rahuba's YouTube account, although, again, please be warned that these calls are riddled with foul language, threats of lynching and other gruesome murders, homophobic slurs, racist language, and rape threats.