Dominate the Little Jungle Cup in 'Pokémon GO' With These Powerful Teams

Published Aug. 2 2023, 4:01 p.m. ET

The Little Jungle Cup in Pokémon GO runs from Aug. 3 to Aug. 10, and it’s shaping up to be a competitive new league that almost all players can enjoy. Not only does it have a low CP limit, but many of the best Pokémon for the Little Jungle Cup are easy to catch.
That means you probably already have a few of the best competitors in your PokéDex — and if you don’t, it shouldn’t be too hard to find them.
Here's a look at the best team for the Little Jungle Cup in Pokémon GO.
The best Little Jungle Cup team in 'Pokémon GO.'
If you want to put together the best Little Jungle Cup team in Pokémon GO, you’ll want to use some combination of Ducklett, Galarian Stunfisk, Cottonee, Skorupi, Steelix, and Swinub. How you build out your team will depend on which Pokémon in your roster meet the criteria laid out by the Little Jungle Cup rules.
Here’s a look at the restrictions you'll need to work around:

- Below 500 CP
- Only the following types may enter: Normal, Grass, Electric, Poison, Ground, Flying, Bug, and Dark
- Smeargle and Shuckle are prohibited
- Pokémon do not need to be able to evolve to enter
So long as you have a few Pokémon that meet those guidelines, you can enjoy the action. It’s an especially enticing league for Pokémon GO newcomers, as the 500 CP limit ensures high-level players can't steamroll the competition with Pokémon they've been training for years.
With all that out of the way, here’s a look at the ten best Pokémon for the Little Jungle Cup:
- Ducklett
- Galarian Stunfisk
- Steelix
- Cottonee
- Skorupi
- Altaria
- Swinub
- Scrafty
- Dubwool
- Dragonite
An ideal combination includes Ducklett, Galarian Stunfisk, and Steelix, as the three of them offer a wide variety of attacks and types, allowing you to compete with almost any Pokémon that comes into battle.
Stunfisk will be more useful than ever, and its Mud Shot and Rock Slide attacks should be able to deal significant damage to most Pokémon eligible for the league. Ducklett, meanwhile, should be equipped with Wing Attack and Bubble Beam for the most dramatic effects.
Still trying to figure out a good combination of the above Pokémon? Here are a few of the best teams for the Little Jungle Cup in Pokémon GO.
- Galarian Stunfisk, Ducklett, Dragonite
- Altaria, Vigoroth, Galarian Stunfisk
- Galarian Stunfisk, Steelix, Ducklett
- Pikachu, Skorupi, Cottonee
- Cottonee, Ducklett, Swinub
If you don’t have any of the above combinations, it’s still possible to build a successful team. To do that, you’ll want to stay as close to the CP limit as possible.
Next, you’ll want to try and vary the Types of Pokémon you’re bringing into battle — a team of all Electric-types isn’t the best bet. Finally, make sure you swap out Pokémon during a battle if your opponent’s type is one that your Pokémon is weak against.