'Big Brother 23's' Cast Makes for Another Total Rookie Season

Published July 6 2021, 1:57 p.m. ET

Whether you've been a Big Brother fan for years or you're new to the all-encompassing schedule that takes over CBS every summer, there's no denying that it's fun to obsess over the Season 23 cast. The cast list is out and it's full of rookie players instead of a bunch of returning vets. But first, when does the 2021 season of Big Brother even premiere?
Obviously, that's the most important thing — read on for all of the details about Big Brother 23.
When is the 'Big Brother' 2021 release date?
According to CBS, Big Brother 23 premieres on July 7, 2021, at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. After that, you can catch it on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET. The episodes each week will include the Power of Veto competition, Head of Household challenge, and of course, the weekly voting and elimination.
Without further delay, the Big Brother cast for 2021 is just ahead.
Azah Awasum (30)

According to her Big Brother bio, Azah considers herself to be "a beast at musical chairs" — something she thinks will serve her well if she makes it as far as the OTEV Veto competition, which comes once every season. She also plans to steer clear of showmances, lest she be distracted from the game, which she totally plans to win.
Christian Birkenberger (23)

Christian says in his Big Brother bio that one of the things he's most excited for with the show is "making new friends for life." Unfortunately, that might not get him very far in the game, but he also plans to make himself look more helpless than he really is to try and manipulate the competition. So maybe there's hope for him yet.
Hannah Chaddha (21)

As the youngest Big Brother 23 contestant, Hannah is all about having the complete experience that cast members get to go through each season. She also appears to be a superfan, and in the world of Big Brother, that could help her out in the long run. If she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, Hannah has a shot for sure.
Brent Champagne (28)

Where the ladies are concerned, Brent could be a problem going into Big Brother 23. In his bio, he explains that he has tons of charm and he may just use it to his advantage if he can. But he's not above a legit showmance, either. Sometimes showmances do afford you a ride-or-die partner. Other times, though, it makes you an unwilling target.
Britini D'Angelo (24)

Britini considers herself to be a born competitor. But as a kindergarten teacher, she may not be seen as a threat right away, and that's the point. She says in her bio that she's going to go into the house unafraid to make big moves for the sake of her game. And she wants to play as authentically as possible.
Derek Frazier (29)

Derek's job listed on his Big Brother bio is safety officer, and he's the son of the boxer Smokin' Joe Frazier. Neither will really benefit him in the Big Brother house, but he is motivated by the coveted $500,000 prize that one winner will get at the end. And when it's all said and done, that's really all that matters in this game.
Brandon "Frenchie" French (34)

Brandon is a former member of the military and a current farmer. Chances are, he's going to leave that first part out when he introduces himself to the rest of the cast. But he also seems totally laid-back, as he says in his bio that the thing he's most afraid of is the devil rooster on his farm. Of course, that was before he met his in-show competition.
Travis Long (22)

According to his bio, Travis is looking forward to playing pranks on other houseguests and forming strong bonds with others. He also claims to be a published author with books available on Amazon, though it's unclear what genre he writes. And as a self-described "prank master," Travis is bound to stir up some trouble while rubbing some of his fellow houseguests the wrong way.
Alyssa Lopez (24)

Alysssa's number one goal on her bucket list is to compete on Big Brother, and now that she's part of the 2021 cast, all she has to do is prove that she has what it takes to go far and maybe even win. She's a swimwear designer outside of the show, and in her Big Brother bio, she explains that she plans to be everyone's best friend in the house.
Tiffany Mitchell (40)

Tiffany's strategy for the Big Brother game is learning all she can about other players and keeping quiet as much as possible. And, according to her bio, she has an alter ego. Will she use this alter ego to manipulate her fellow houseguests? Maybe. But she may have trouble concentrating 100 percent, as she is separated from her son for longer than she has ever been.
Xavier Prather (27)

Outside of Big Brother, Xavier is an attorney, so some might say he basically lies for a living. On this show, following the other players with a few lies is pretty key. But according to his bio, he's ready to make lasting genuine connections and only win competitions when he has to. He was also born with clubfoot, but he's a born athlete, so there's that.
Sarah Steagall (27)

When she's not participating in reality TV game shows, Sarah is a forensic scientist, and she's going to need to use some of those brains to outsmart the competition. Her strategy, according to her bio, is to be a floater and work with everyone she can without ruffling any feathers. Speaking of feathers, Sarah is also super into cosplay, so let's hope she gets assigned a costume as a punishment at some point.
Claire Rehfuss (25)

Claire wasn't originally cast for Season 23 of Big Brother, but she was brought in at the last minute to replace houseguest Christie Valdiserri, who tested positive for COVID-19 shortly before the season began filming. She's an AI engineer who is originally from Ohio, but lives in New York City. And as a last-minute edition, she'll likely appreciate this opportunity more than almost anyone.
Whitney Williams (30)

Whitney is a mom and a makeup artist who owns her own company, so she has a lot going on outside of Big Brother. She's also a legitimate fan of the show and of the competition in general, and according to her bio, she's most excited to play some of the classic competitions the show is known for. Possibly because of that, she plans to go into the game as a strong player.
Derek Xiao (24)

Prior to Big Brother 23, Derek founded a start-up called Remy, which ships meal kits based on recipes from different content creators across the United States. He also loves to cook, and as a fan of the show, he admires past Big Brother players who formed alliances and friendships, rather than showmances.
Kyland Young (29)

Kyland is an account executive, but he's a huge movie buff and a Comic-Con nerd at heart. According to his Big Brother bio, Kyland is also super close to his family and being away from them will be the hardest part of being on the show. Other than that, he's ready to play hard, regardless of whether or not he actually wins the prize money.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.