'Big Brother 24's Finale Marks the End of a Summer of Twins and Turns

Published July 6 2022, 3:58 p.m. ET

Julie Chen Moonves is the long-running host of 'Big Brother.'
Every summer, Big Brother fans look forward to another season of competitions, drama, showmances, and Diary Room breakdowns. And in order to follow everything this year, viewers are going to want to know the show's schedule and what the Big Brother 24 finale date is. With multiple episodes each week, it;s a lot to handle.
Longtime fans are well aware of what they get themselves into each season. Big Brother typically has seasons that last until the end of summer and episodes that drop multiple evenings each week. It's a lot and it's a legitimate commitment. But dedicated fans still look forward to being fully immersed in it until the end.

Tayor Hale, Michael Bruner, and Palomar Agular from 'Big Brother 24.'
What is the 'Big Brother 24' finale date?
Big Brother 24 premieres on July 6, 2022 on CBS with a live 90-minute episode jam-packed with houseguest introductions, details about the new season's theme, and the players' entrance into the Big Brother house. After that, viewers can expect the typical three nights per week of episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, with a few other days thrown in there from time to time.
The Big Brother 24 finale is expected to air on Sept. 25, 2022. Like the other finales before it, the Season 24 episode will be live and feature the jury roundtable, final eviction, and voting among the jury members.
At the end, one winner will go home with $750,000, while the second place player gets $75,000. And the player voted by fans as America's Favorite Houseguest gets $50,000.
Season 24 of 'Big Brother' is shorter than some others.
Some of the recent seasons of Big Brother lasted more than three months, or 99 days. Seasons 22 and 23, however, were 85 days. And Big Brother 24 is expected to film for 82 days. It's a far cry from the norm, but not totally atypical for the series as a whole. It often depends on the series premiere date.
The later in the summer that a season premieres, the earlier its season is, since the CBS fall schedule waits for no one. That being said, Big Brother fans are still just as hyped for Season 24, even if it's a couple of weeks shy of the length of the usual season we get.
'Big Brother' fans are ready for live feeds.
One thing that the most dedicated Big Brother fan lives for, other than the show itself, is the Big Brother live feeds. The feeds are available on the Paramount Plus app only and they offer an inside look into the house in between episodes.
The feeds are unedited and often uncut, unless the feeds are briefly taken off-air due to a houseguest revealing a hefty spoiler or singing a song that's copyrighted and can't be aired.
You can watch Big Brother 24 without watching the live feeds, of course, and still understand the trajectory of the game. But if you want to learn about alliances that form overnight and see the showmances before show watchers do, then you might want to check out the feeds as a companion to the show.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on CBS.