'Big Brother 22' Is Already Busting out the Twists in the Game

Updated Aug. 6 2020, 7:12 p.m. ET

When it comes to Big Brother, you should always trust Julie Chen and expect the unexpected. Because as much as twists are expected and hoped for each season, it’s still a thrill when she busts them out on night one. Such was the case toward the end of the Season 22 premiere when Julie announced that the houseguests will have to get familiar with the Safety Suite, which can be beneficial for not one, but two houseguests at a time this season.
What are the 'Big Brother' Safety Suite rules?
As with most new things on Big Brother, it may take a little digging to figure out what it really means for the players. So far, Julie hasn't revealed much about the Safety Suite twist on Big Brother other than to tell houseguests and viewers at home that it could benefit two players at a time. And, she revealed, it will be a new room in the house that changes each time.

Judging by past Big Brother twists, the Safety Suite could be a number of things for the houseguests. It might be a Head of Household-like room awarded to players who come in first in one or more competitions, or it could even be a special prize for a Veto winner and his or her choice of houseguest. It could also just symbolize some kind of safety and be voted on by viewers at home, who will decide which houseguests are awarded access to the Safety Suite.
Either way, the houseguests who are given access to the Safety Suite will, presumably, have safety for the week they are chosen or awarded it. This means Cody and future Head of Households could make extra enemies if they try to nominate a player for eviction, only to find out said player has earned the Safety Suite prize. In short, it could create tons of drama and fans are here for it.
It's not the only twist from the 'Big Brother 22' premiere.
Unsurprisingly, the Safety Suite twist wasn't the only one Julie teased in the Big Brother 22 premiere. When Julie let the houseguests know about the Safety Suite, she implied that other secret rooms would have other rewards or repercussions that come with them.
So far, the Safety Suite is the only one that will immediately impact the game, but as the season goes on, the other secret rooms will likely have different rules.
How many episodes is 'Big Brother 22'?
The Season 22 premiere of Big Brother might have been one of the more new user-friendly ones in recent years. Julie did her best to explain things to the at-home audiences and the first couple of competitions weren't too complicated. But new viewers might not know quite what they are in for with a show that airs three new episodes every week.
And even though Big Brother 22 got a late start in 2020, it will probably air for the usual 40 episodes, give or take a few. It should be noted that there are 16 houseguests, as is typical for a standard Big Brother season. But if the plan is to cut this one short, you can expect some double evictions as the season progresses. Either way, it’s already off to a good start that plenty of fans are excited about.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.