19 Memes to Wish Yourself or Your Friends a Very Happy Birthday
Updated March 29 2019, 2:21 p.m. ET

Honestly, it's hard for us to get into the minds of people who despise birthdays. While we understand the impulse to shy away from attention, who doesn't like to feel like a queen on the one day a year they can get their way and not feel bad about it?
Whether it's your big day (Many happy returns if so!) or you're celebrating a friend, nothing says Happy Birthday better than memes.
Here are 19 of the funniest and most relatable birthday memes to share with your loved ones to wish them all the best, or remind them to wish you a great year.
1. Let's begin with the reminder that unless your inbox is flooded with memes on your birthday, you might want to reconsider your friend group.

Just take it from Boromir who makes it clear that birthday memes are no small matter.
2. No matter how old you or your friends are turning, Dwight wishes you all the best.

3. We all have that friend...

Unless you are that friend. In which case, we can very much relate.
4. I mean, just look at us.

This is literally how we feel the entire week before and after our birthday rolls around.
5. People whose style didn't peak in high school just can't relate.

But we can. And we guarantee you know exactly who to send this birthday meme to.
6. The sad, sad truth.

OK, we'd probably push it to 30, but the point is definitely clear.
7. Never have we ever seen a more accurate depiction of Mom vs. Dad.

It's accurate down to the dad's "OK" response. We would send this to our own parents, but we're not even sure they're ready to take that hard look into the mirror just yet.
8. Every day is Kanye's birthday.

Even when it's Kim's. Don't we all have that friend who tries to make everyone else's birthday about them instead? Like, come on, there are 365 days in a year, let's share!
9. We don't know which family member needed to hear this...

Truly, can we just change the etiquette around birthday money? We didn't need those $20 when we were still living with our parents, but now, $20 can buy us 20 dollar slices to feed us for the whole week — give or take.
10. We are your gift!

Who cares if your birthday isn't on Christmas, your presence is still your gift to the world.
11. When you log in to Facebook on your birthday...

You're faced with a thousand wishes from your elementary school friends, a college professor and your former coworker from the summer you worked at Staples.
12. How old were you when you had this realization?

It's kind of mind-blowing when you really sit down to think about it.
13. Me? Petty?

Not petty, just trying to do some quick mental math before we figure out whether or not we're going to send you choice memes for your birthday or just shoot out a generic "HBD."
14. Maybe you're one of the weirdos who hates your birthday and can relate to this feel.

We're of the mind that birthdays are super fun whether they're yours, your friends' or Abraham Lincoln's (provided you get President's Day off)...
15. Nothing makes us happier than this last supper meme.

We forgot Jesus in the list of birthdays, but rest assured, we are down to celebrate everyone.
16. Speaking of Ariana...

Quite the opposite, if you ask us. We're more like, No thank you, rewind!
17. OK, yep. This is definitely accurate.

But maybe 50 is the new 30, who's to say.
18. This is STILL all we need for a lit birthday party!

Hotdogs: check; ice cream: check; cake (hopefully also ice cream): check. Super sugary beverages: sure, we'll take them! Why not.
Happy birthday! We hope you have a great year!