26 'Black Mirror' Season 5 Memes for Everyone Who's Already Binge Watched It

Updated Jan. 15 2020, 3:12 p.m. ET

Netflix's Black Mirror has returned for Season 5, and as with the previous seasons, it'll have you worrying about our ever-increasing reliance on technology. While Season 5 is only three episodes long, each episode runs for over an hour, and so far fans seem to love each and every episode.
Episode 1, "Striking Vipers," explores relationships and virtual reality. Episode 2, "Smithereens," explores the dangers of ride-sharing apps, and Episode 3, "Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too" stars Miley Cyrus and looks at the life of a lonely teen who gets obsessed with the singer.
Despite Season 5 of Black Mirror only being released at midnight on Wednesday, some fans have already binge-watched the entire season and shared their thoughts on Twitter, in meme form of course.
1. Some fans seem to think that people will be watching their husbands pretty closely after Episode 1, "Striking Vipers."
2. Others saw pretty close similarities between Episode 3, "Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too" and real life.
3. Episode 3 seemed to be a favorite episode of the season for many.
4. Others were disappointed that there were only three episodes in the season.
8. This pretty accurately describes what the writers of 'Black Mirror' must have been thinking while writing the season.
9. Others were quick to provide spoilers without context for those who hadn't seen the season yet.
12. One Twitter user had an important question on how to prepare for 'Black Mirror.'
13. Others were just happy to see Miley Cyrus' performance, which according to reviewers, is stellar.
14. No one needs to talk about the polar bear scene, we can all choose to forget it ever happened.
15. Episode 1 definitely caught most of us off-guard.
16. Most people who binged the season as soon as it was available had difficulty sleeping afterwards.
17. This pretty accurately describes most people's reactions
18. We agree with this statement.
19. Everyone's getting their snacks ready for when they get home from work.
22. For those who have already watched the season, a deep cleanse is in order.
24. Gamer problems.
25. Destroy everything with a processor in it.
26. We do.
The entire Season 5 of Black Mirror is available to watch now on Netflix.