People Can't Get Over How Much Boris Johnson Looks Like Donald Trump

Updated March 28 2020, 3:47 p.m. ET

Politics aside, there's no denying that Donald Trump has a unique look going on. That wispy (probably fake) hair. That perpetually grumpy face. That obviously fake tan. He's one of kind — or is he? Ever since a relatively new world leader has taken office, people can't help but notice he is basically Trump's twin. Because there's no denying Boris Johnson looks like Trump.
Who is Boris Johnson?
If you weren't already aware, Boris Johnson is the prime minister of the United Kingdom. He officially took office in July 2019 — but he's actually been in politics for quite some time now. During is short time so far as U.K.'s prime minster, the Conservative Party leader has proven to be quite polarizing. Not only does his demeanor remind people of a certain U.S, president, but Johnson actually looks a heck of a lot like Trump.

People think Boris Johnson looks like Donald Trump ... only slightly different.
There are some real zingers over on Twitter going on when it comes to expressing how Johnson looks like Trump — only not quite. Because although there is undoubtedly an uncanny similarity between the two politicians, the slight differences are enough for things to be "off" in a weird way.
Some people think the minute differences in the appearances of Johnson and Trump are comparable to name-brand versus off-brand products — as if the U.K. PM is a watered-down version of the POTUS. Which is pretty accurate, if you ask me.
Side-by-side photos are further proof Boris Johnson looks like Donald Trump.
Trump and Johnsons have a similar build. Their wispy, whitish-blondish hair falls in the same way. The only major difference in their appearance is Trump's obvious fake tan versus Johnson's natural pallor.
I mean, come on. Their hair even blows in the wind the same way. Is there any proof out there that Boris and Donald aren't the same person? (Yes, I know they've been photographed together/they've attended the same event; I'm still not convinced.)
Adding to their odd physical likeness, Johnson and Trump even tend to make a lot of the same facial expressions. See Exhibit A, below, if you don't believe me.
Aside from their looks, Johnson and Trump are similar in other ways.
For starters they have both fathered a large number of children — five or more, that is. Johnson has flat-out refused to reveal how many children he has. However, he shares four confirmed children with hi ex-wife, Marina Wheeler — and reportedly one or two others. He's also expecting a baby with his partner, Carrie Symonds.
As for Trump? He has a total of five children — Donald Trump Jr., Eric, Ivanka, Tiffany, and Barron — with three different women.
Speaking of women, both Johnson and Trump have chosen much younger partners. Carrie is 32, while Johnson is 55; and Trump is 73, while Melania is 49. Which isn't a bad thing, by any means. It's merely another similarity between the two politicians, who also happen to look alike.
Trump and Johnson have both been criticized for how they've handled the coronavirus.
Again, I won't delve too deeply into politics. But both Trump's and Johnson's response to the novel coronavirus epidemic have been widely criticized — in that neither of them took the threat seriously at first. Johnson has since tested positive for COVID-19. And considering the U.S. now has the most confirmed cases of coronavirus in the world, Trump has since changed his tune as well.
So yeah. If you've seen photos of the U.K. prime minister and thought to yourself, "Is it just me, or does Boris Johnson look like Donald Trump?" it's not all in your head. (There are even some people out there who have thought they were literally the same person.) And you're definitely not alone.