Company Builds Employees "Tiny Houses" Instead of Office Cubicles to Get Workers Back to the Office

Updated May 26 2023, 12:00 p.m. ET
If you've ever looked inside Pixar Studios' office workspaces, there's a good chance you were gobsmacked by the setup they've got going on there.
Sure, there are a lot of benefits of being a part of a production studio that's worth a whopping $7.4 billion, so of course there are going to be some amenities that many other companies aren't affording to their employees.
But because we're talking about a brand that made a name for itself by creating some of the most beloved, heartwarming and magical pieces of animated film content to grace our screens, it makes sense that they would have an office space that matches this M.O., like giving some of its workers their own tiny houses instead of dreary cubicles to work in.
And it appears that at least one other company thought that this would be a great idea for its own workers, something that a TikTok user by the name of Kylie (@itskylie94) showed off in a viral TikTok that has tons of folks ready to throw their job applications at her for a shot to work in such a cool environment.
In a series of clips, Kylie showed off her boss' decision to build a series of tiny homes for their workers to make coming into the office a heck of a lot more fun, while giving everyone their own individual workspaces to get their stuff done.
Many viewers who saw the post wondered what exactly it is that Kylie does, and it appears that she works in property management, so it would make sense that there are variety of scaled down homes and different buildings scattered throughout the building.
What's more is that the interior of the workspace doesn't feature any drab looking carpet or typical frosted glass conference room set ups. Gone are boring hallways and corridors which are instead replaced with a mock neighborhood feel.
The end result is a workplace that makes it look like Kylie and her co-workers are a part of some live-action children's variety show, or what Brendan Fraser's family's setup in Blast from the Past looked like.

After seeing her initial clip, TikTokers had a ton of questions for Kylie with requests to see more of her work set up, and she obliged.
She stated that she works for a property management company, so it would make sense why everyone got their own small house to work inside of.

She also added that the business is one of the kindest, most generous businesses that she's ever worked for and that they are involved in a number of charitable causes and it appears that whoever is running the company is also very concerned with ensuring that their employees are happy in their positions.
She also responded to "hateful" comments from folks who said that they would rather that money get put towards a raise or bonus than a business that spends it on tiny homes for their workers. Kylie rejected this idea saying that she would rather work for a business that "genuinely cares about" her than worry about having extra money tacked onto her paycheck.

"I love the company I work for, I get paid a decent salary." She also clarified that the buildings were not put in a warehouse, but that all of the tiny structures actually reside in a "giant office building" with a huge open floor plan.
Would you want to return to the office if it contained a set up like this?