Girlfriend Discovers Videos on Her BF’s Phone of Him Roasting Her Cooking

Published Sept. 12 2021, 3:22 p.m. ET

They say that your eyes eat before your stomach does. But that doesn't necessarily mean the prettiest of meals taste the best. Take French macaroons for example: they might look delicious, but when you actually bite into them, they taste like packing peanuts sprayed with car freshener.
So while that surely is the case, the opposite can also be true. There are plenty of meals that don't really look like all that but end up being delicious. If you've ever had a QT taquito, or a Culver's fried cheese curd, then you'll know that's entirely the case.
While it's fine to point out these dualities in foods you purchase from a stranger, would it be considered rude or disrespectful to do so with a loved one? That's the center of a debate surrounding a now-viral TikTok clip that features a boyfriend "roasting" the meal his girlfriend had prepared for him.

In the TikTok clip user @chikitarosee (Jakia Rose) uploaded a clip that she indicates was taken from her boyfriend's phone where he laughs as he makes fun of the meal. He says, "looks like s***" while recording a clip of the oatmeal, eggs, and bacon, and he caps off the video my saying, "at least she tried."

Response to the video was divisive, with some people calling out Jakia's boyfriend as "ungrateful." One commenter wrote that it would be the "last day [they] ever cook[ed] for him" if they saw that video.

Some commenters said that their interpretation of the video was that Jakia's boyfriend was only talking about the visual appearance of the oatmeal, something that the TikTok-er said she had never attempted to make before.

While many thought that sliced apples and cinnamon were a nice touch, others weren't so kind to the carb-heavy breakfast food: "sewage soup with sour apples" one called it.

Jakia entered the comments section, interacting with folks who had a lot to say about the video. She revealed that she didn't actually "find" the clip on his phone.

In fact she went to bring him the food and her boyfriend knowingly recorded it right in front of her, seemingly as a joke.

Jakia seems to have taken the entire situation in stride, even though there are still many TikTok-ers who believe that he crossed the line after she clearly wanted to do something kind for him. And even though she did admit that she was definitely "crying on the inside" as she waited beside him to try the food that she made him.

There's been a ton written about the psychology of gift giving over the years, and how it affects us when someone rejects a "gift" that we give them. Gifts can be defined as something as seemingly small as cooking a meal or a kind gesture.

If a loved one declines a gift or disparages it during a moment of vulnerability, that can establish long-term trust and openness issues. Emotionally, it could be difficult for a person to, at their base, be excited at the prospect of being able to give another gift to that individual.

What did you think of Jakia's boyfriend's response to her oatmeal? Are people over-reacting to his video? Or the fact that he laughed about it and recorded on his phone was ultimately rude and he crossed a line?