Bride Stops Wedding, Grabs Mic to Fix "Terrible Mistake" in the Middle of Her Vows

Published May 11 2022, 12:47 p.m. ET

There are tons of different research articles that indicate a large number of people find wedding planning very, very stressful. In fact, Brides reported that "71 percent [of people surveyed] thought it was more nerve-wracking than other major life events like finding a new job."
And there are a lot of reasons why people work themselves up in such a tizzy while planning for their big day.
There are countless songs, movies, novels, and scientific breakthroughs that have even helped cure diseases, that were inspired by love. It's hard to deny that it isn't the most powerful emotion that there is. And love can influence us to do some pretty wildly romantic things, or some downright wild and sometimes violent things once we've believed we lost our shot at attaining it for good.
And when you're planning a celebration that's supposed to be the penultimate embodiment of your love, well, you're probably going to get a little bit pedantic and will want to make sure that every single "i" is dotted and "t" is crossed.
But what if you think everything is going off without a hitch, but then realize, in the middle of one of the most important parts of a wedding ceremony, that there is something amiss? How would you handle it?
TikToker Becky Jefferies, who posts under the handle @jetsetbecks, uploaded a clip of her wedding ceremony. And right when she was exchanging vows with her husband she realized that something she had a nightmare about just a few days earlier happened: half of her dress was missing.

So she got on the microphone and halted the ceremony to let everyone know exactly what was happening. She didn't panic or become upset, but just simply informed everyone that she wanted to put on the other half of her wedding gown and that all of the guests please stand by.

Thankfully, she had some help from attendees who ran to go and get the other half of the wedding dress, some ethereal looking mass of white chiffon, to attach to her back.

Once her dress was completed, she went back to the regularly schedule wedding festivities, "OK. We can resume."
What struck many commenters on the video was how well she handled the situation.

The fact that she kept her equanimity intact the whole time, while maintaining a positive, upbeat attitude about the dress snafu, and that she didn't exude an ounce of "Bridezilla-ness" impressed a lot of folks in the comments section.

Others also applauded the fact that "she didn't apologize" for stopping the wedding to finish off her dress, as it was her special day and she wanted it to be just as she imagined it. Kind of hard to blame her too, given the average cost of a wedding celebration in the United States.

TikToker @beepbloplob wrote: "i LOVE that she didn’t apologize. It’s her day and she confidently took control of the moment."
Both Becky and her husband, Sherif, have some pretty sizable TikTok followings (over 100k) apiece and post regularly on the platform, where they talk about married life and how Becky is adjusting to living in Dubai after immigrating from America.