Bride Ignores Her Mother-in-Law's Speech on Her Wedding Day but Apparently Has a Good Reason

Published May 24 2023, 3:13 p.m. ET

While it certainly isn't the case for all newlyweds and married couples, in-laws can be a mixed bag of interactions. Marrying into an entire different family is a big deal for anybody, and that can mean welcoming people from all walks of life into your own social circles. By and large, folks tend to have plenty of horror stories when dealing with in-laws and they may do their best to keep their encounters strictly cordial or at least brief. Other times, drama can even sprout as early as the wedding.
Most people would hope that both families can put aside their differences during a wedding ceremony, at least until the cake's been cut. For one bride, however, she indirectly butted heads with her mother-in-law right in the middle of her own wedding reception when the MIL gave her speech.
In a Reddit AITA thread posted in late May 2023, the bride asks if she is the a------ for ignoring her mother-in-law's speech on her wedding day. The internet's verdict may surprise you.

A bride ignores her mother-in-law's speech on her wedding day.
In her AITA post on Reddit, the bride makes it a point to open with the fact that she hates speeches in general.
"I think they are boring, exhausting, and very very forced," she writes. She explains further that she doesn't force her disdain for speeches on anyone and has "sat through long excoriating speeches without complaining like any other decent human being."
When it came to her own wedding day, however, she decided to draw the line and specifically requested no speeches.
"We wrote that we loved everyone and that we knew they loved us so if you want to say anything, say it to us directly in private," OP explained. According to the bride, her husband "thought it was funny," but knew her feelings about speeches.
When it came to the wedding dinner, though, who should break the one rule at her wedding but OP's new mother-in-law?
The MIL reportedly began with confirming that she was aware of the "no speeches" policy, but argued that she could say whatever she wanted about her "only son" getting married.
Shocked at her MIL's actions, OP decided to fire back by pretending not to hear her and having an open conversation during the speech with her sisters and bridesmaids, all of whom shared her sentiment.
Many of the bride's in-laws were "furious" and even her husband took his mother's side and spent the rest of the night sulking.

Meanwhile, the bride and her own loved ones continued with the celebration and "ended up having a blast."
Interestingly enough, other Redditors deemed OP as "not the a------" in the situation, agreeing that the MIL should have respected the bride's wishes on her own wedding day. In fact, many view the fact that her husband openly sided with his mother as a major red flag.
"Well, that's unfortunate that the day you got married, you found out your husband's always gonna pick his mom over you," one person commented. "Such disrespect from MIL."
Another person wrote, "Your husband showed you exactly who he prioritizes and it isn't you. Expect this behavior to escalate."
Folks even believe that OP would be doing herself a favor by trying to confront her in-laws' issues in whatever way she deems fit.
Regardless of what OP decides to do, she can at least take solace in the fact that the internet has sided with her amidst her wedding woes.