Brie Larson Got Caught Right Between a Guy's Surprise Proposal and It Was Glorious

Updated Oct. 14 2019, 5:38 p.m. ET

While Twitter can be a depressing place where NASA interns curse out their employers with reckless abandon and still get defended for the dumbest of reasons by a STAN brigade of screeching people, it can also be a wondrous community overflowing with wholesome content that'll really tug at your heartstrings.
Like these series of photos that feature Captain Marvel's lead, Brie Larson, caught in a proposal-crossfire between two fans taking a photo with her.
Hilarious celebrity photobombs and troll jobs constantly crop up online, and sometimes ridiculous step-and-repeat fan shots are orchestrated with enthusiasts and the stars they idolize with some truly hilarious results - just ask Jason Momoa.
And then there are times when celebrities are none the wiser, and fans manage to get them in a photobomb moment that completely catches them off-guard. That's what happened with Brie and these two gentlemen.
From the looks of these photos, it appears like things start off as a regular old pose-with-a-celebrity picture. But then a dude, rocking a Captain Marvel jacket, gets down on one knee, and his boyfriend is taken aback. So is Brie. The look on her face pretty much says it all. If you gander at the first photo you can see a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions: "Oh my god, this is really happening! Being a celebrity is nuts!"
You can see the guy clinging to Brie for dear life, hoping his boyfriend will say yes. Which brings us to the other layer of emotion in Brie's eyes. The potential awkwardness of being in a situation like this. What happens if the guy says no? What happens if she has to deal with being in the middle of two people, one who now clearly loves the other more?
I have to tell you from personal experience, witnessing that kind of painful exchange is never fun. What do you even say or do in a situation like that?
Thankfully, it appears that that crisis is averted and Brie can immediately jump into being happy for the couple. The photographer seems to have captured the exact moment when the dude's boyfriend says yes. I mean, just look at her face below and tell me that that isn't precisely what's going on here.
Even though the Marvel star is eclipsed by the couple's display of love, you can still see her utter shock while hiding behind the proposee's black t-shirt.
Tweets of the pictures absolutely blew up, and has already raked in over 18,000 retweets and over 116,000 likes. A look through the responses to the photos, however, were a mixed bag, with some users calling the whole thing "cringey."
It seems that there were a good number of folks who took a problem with a couple taking a very personal event and then inviting a stranger to be a part of such a momentous occasion. Others said they had qualms with celebrities like Brie being used a "props" to celebrate their own milestones.
There were plenty others, however, who were into the whole exchange and immediately started making memes out of the photos that came from the unbelievable event. Others were charmed that the guy proposing was using an "emotional support Brie Larson" to get him through such a nerve-wracking moment in his life.
I'm personally just very happy that people used this viral moment as an opportunity to make some very awful Brie Larson puns, and not just a chance to pimp a horrible mixtape on SoundCloud. Seriously, get friends with better taste in music and take their constructive criticism seriously, guys.

While the release date for Captain Marvel 2 hasn't been set, it's hard to imagine that Brie won't be reprising her role as Carol Danvers in a standalone film, seeing as the first flick grossed well over a billion dollars. The actress, along with other female MCU stars have requested an all-woman Marvel film from Kevin Feige, so there's a strong possibility that we'll get an entire movie version of that Avengers: Endgame scene where the ladies mount up to battle Thanos and his hordes.
Which might have fans making the same face as Brie does in the photos above if that project is greenlit.