Women Are Dominating The "TikTok Broom Challenge", Men Can't Pull It Off

Updated May 23 2023, 8:03 a.m. ET

TikTok has seen its fair share of challenges involving broomsticks over the years. Back in 2020, folks were having a grand old time making brooms stand by themselves. Even Al Roker got in on the action. However, there was one caveat to this challenge: You had to have the right kind of broom to do it.
Now, there are other challenges involving brooms on TikTok, and one that's really captivated people's attention is one that pits men and women against each other.
What is TikTok's broom challenge?
First, you grab a broomstick with both hands, holding it in front of your horizontally. Then, while keeping your grip on the stick, you step over the broom handle with one foot, then the other, never breaking the grip. You end up with your legs behind the broomstick.

That's it! That's the challenge. Simple enough, right? Well, it seems like it is, that's until most men try it. That's when things tend to get a bit difficult. They find that stepping over the broomstick without letting go of the broomstick is very, very hard.
Why do women seem to be better at the broomstick challenge than men?
In pure biological terms, women have a natural tendency to be more flexible than men, according to Alexander Orthopaedics. It apparently has to do with the "makeup of their connective tissue."
Michael J. Alter, who authored Science of Flexibility, writes that men have heavier pelvic bones, whereas women have "broader and shallower hips," which "permits a greater degree of joint range of motion."
According to Alter, women also have a greater range of motion when it comes to their elbows. All of these attributes can assist individuals in completing the broom challenge on TikTok. It doesn't mean men can't complete it. They just need to be a little more flexible to do so.
There are other challenges on the platform that involve broomsticks as well. There's a fitness challenge that has folks place a broomstick behind their backs (horizontally) and held in place in the nooks of their elbows. They then lower themselves to the ground, hands-free (of course), and lie face down.
Once lying face down, they then must figure out a way to stand up without letting go of the broomstick or using their hands. This one looks a bit more difficult! And it's probably best to not do this on a rough surface. You don't want to scrape your face or knees as you try to complete it.
Have you been able to successfully perform any of these challenges? Or is extreme stuff like the Bird Box challenge more your thing? (That last bit was a joke. Please don't do the Bird Box challenge.)