Which Post Malone Bud Light Seltzer Super Bowl Ad Do You Like Better?

Updated April 28 2021, 5:01 p.m. ET

It's almost time for the 2020 Super Bowl, and the best part about the Super Bowl is obviously the commercial breaks. One ad that's been getting a lot of buzz is actually two ads, and they're for Bud Light Seltzer. Both star Post Malone and the inner workings of his brain as he decides between Bud Light beer and Bud Light Seltzer in one ad, and whether he actually enjoys Bud Light Seltzer in another. Bud Light is actually asking the internet which ad they should air during the 2020 Super Bowl.
What are Post Malone's Bud Light Seltzer ads all about?
Bud Light wants the world to know that a new hard seltzer is in town (so White Claw better watch its back), and they're doing it by airing their Bud Light Seltzer Super Bowl ads before the Super Bowl itself to generate buzz. And the whole approach is genius. In one ad (#PostyStore), Post Malone walks into a convenience store for some Bud Light, but notices that the store is also offering Bud Light Seltzer. His "brain" shows Post Malone going back and forth over whether he should buy the seltzer or the beer: He picks both, obviously.
The other ad, #Postybar, is more simple. Post Malone orders a Bud Light Seltzer and his brain decides whether he likes Bud Light Seltzer Mango. It tastes like mango and Post Malone likes it, so his brain orders him to smile. His first smile is too intense, so his brain tells him to dial it down.
How will Bud Light choose which ad gets to run during the Super Bowl?
According to Ad Age, the decision will be based on social media reactions. So, if you liked one ad over another, make sure to tweet about it, share it on your friend's social media pages, Instagram Story your love for it, tag Bud Light — anything you can do to show Bud which way you lean. By using the internet as a test group, the beer company is theoretically setting themselves up for optimal success. Fans will be watching out for which Bud Light Seltzer ad "won."
Anheuser-Busch InBev execs have to let Fox know which ad they want to run by the end of the week (Friday), but we won't know the winner until the Super Bowl this Sunday. "We started out with the intent of having one [ad], but both of these spots we loved." Bud Light VP Andy Goeler told Ad Age that "we decided, let's put it out there and let fans help us decide."

Bud known for their Super Bowl ads, so it's really no surprise they took it up a notch this year. "As a brand, we have a history of making engaging Super Bowl ads. This year, we're going to be bringing our biggest innovation — Bud Light Seltzer — to the biggest moment of the year, and we're going to do it with our biggest fans of the year," Andy Goeler told Adweek. Um, White Claw who?