Cake Decorator Reveals That Grocery Stores Re-Frost Old Cakes in ”Gross” Video

Updated April 23 2023, 10:28 a.m. ET

Isn't it great to walk through your grocery store's bakery aisle to see all of the wonderful, seasonal baked goods? Whether it's all of the spooky-themed ghoulie brownies with purple and green and orange sprinkles for Halloween or a giant chocolate mousse cake covered in pink and blue pastel icing to look like an Easter egg, it's amazing to see how talented people are at making desserts.
But did you ever wonder just what happens to all of those unsold "Congrats Grad" and "Glad your colonoscopy went well!" cakes? After the holiday's over, those cakes are almost always heavily discounted and they just disappear from the shelves. While it's true that 30 percent of all food in American grocery stores is thrown away, on average, there are some businesses that engage in practices to minimize waste.

This is what one TikToker demonstrated with the "gross" re-frosting of a frozen sheet cake that they needed to prepare for another customer.
User @tiffanys_cakes recorded a clip showing her removing the icing from a Happy Birthday cake. Gone were the balloons and colorful decorations, and they were replaced with a laudatory message for a recent graduate.
Tiffany works as a Walmart cake decorator, and when a customer requested a white cake with custom decorations, they didn't want to waste a perfectly good and ready-made white cake chilling in the freezer.
So she went to work. It's pretty evident that the frosting decorations on the cake are a bit rigid (more than likely stiffened through refrigeration) and a timelapse of her efforts reveal a perfectly iced and designed cake ripe for a graduation party.
But there were a number of people who thought that the practice was gross.

This is in spite of the fact that Tiffany explains in a follow-up video, "This cake was fresh out of the freezer. This cake would not dry out. This is not gross."
But that did little to quell the ire of Walmart cake purchasers.
"Y'all we be getting expired cakes," one person quipped. Another TikTok user wrote, "Fresh from the freezer is an oxymoron."
There were a lot of other bakers and cake decorators who chimed in to say that there wasn't anything wrong with taking cakes from the freezer and re-frosting them.

"Most professional bakers keep cakes frozen. If stored properly, you would not be able to tell the difference. Even wedding cakes are frozen," a TikTok user said.
Another wrote, "Wrapping your layers before they are cooled and freezing locks in moisture."

Allrecipes, along with other outlets, say that cakes that are frozen before cooling do retain the dessert's moisture and can last up to three months or maybe even a bit longer before becoming stale and nasty in the freezer.

So no, there really isn't anything wrong with a Walmart employee taking a properly frozen cake out of the freezer and then re-frosting it for another purpose, as long as it was popped in the freezer in a timely manner.
Already iced cakes actually help to seal in the freshness when freezing, so they know what they're doing!
But what do you think? Do you want to buy a re-frosted cake?