The "Call a Crackhead" Trend May Be the Best Thing to Ever Happen to TikTok

Published Nov. 9 2022, 11:36 p.m. ET

One wouldn't think that a Republican U.S. Senator would become one of the funniest trends to ever hit TikTok, but that's exactly what happened when a political ad put out by U.S. Senator for Louisiana John Kennedy was posted on the app.
In the ad in question, Senator Kennedy says, "If you hate cops, just because they're cops, the next time you get in trouble, call a crackhead."
We are not kidding. That is exactly what he said.
You would think there'd be someone on his team who might have given some feedback and told him that, I don't know, maybe they should rework that sentence? But nope, that was approved by most likely multiple people.
But to be honest with you, we're kind of grateful because the comedy that came out of it is pure gold.
But first, who is Senator John Kennedy?
John Kennedy is the U.S. Senator from Louisiana and was elected in 2016. And despite his ridiculous political ad, Kennedy won re-election during the midterms on Nov. 8, 2022, winning by 61.6 percent of the votes in the state of Louisiana.
Before becoming a senator, his website tells us that he was the "state treasurer of Louisiana for five terms, served as secretary of the Department of Revenue, special counsel to Gov. Roemer and secretary of Gov. Roemer’s cabinet... was also an attorney and partner in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans law firm of Chaffe McCall."
Now that we know who Senator John Kennedy is, what's the "call a crackhead" trend on TikTok?
TIkTok did what TikTok does best and ran with this. Multiple comedy creators dueted this "call a crackhead" political ad, reacting to it. Some even went so far as to create a whole sketch with different characters.
In the TikTok above, creator @gingerbilly1 calls "Ronny the crackhead" (also played by @gingerbilly1) for help when someone is breaking into his house. Ronny the crackhead tells him that if he gives him three catalytic converters, he will come and help.
This TikTok did something similar. Creator @comedian_harryo tells the "crackhead" (also played by @comedian_harryo) that he was robbed and didn't know who else to call. The only reason the "crackhead" came in the first place is because he was promised some crack rocks.
We would love to point out the white all over the "crackhead's" mouth. This attention to detail is next level.
Trevor Noah and The Daily Show even got in on the fun. In their TikTok, Trevor starts with "first of all, nobody's going to call a crackhead. It's 2022, I'm gonna text."
He goes onto add that "the Senator is acting like cop and crackhead are the only two options. Maybe the solution is just to hire crackheads as cops."
And even the commenters got in on the joke...
We think this is one of those moments that if you don't laugh, you'll cry. So, we're choosing to laugh.