'Pokémon GO' Features Pidgey in This Week's Spotlight Hour — Can You Catch a Shiny One?

Published Feb. 7 2023, 6:30 p.m. ET
Another week, another Spotlight Hour in Pokémon GO. Every Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time, players in the Pokémon-based ARG mobile title can encounter a specific Pokémon at a much higher spawn rate than normal throughout the overworld. It's a great way to farm for specific Candies in order to evolve certain Pokémon or even catch stronger versions of ones you may have already caught in the past. Depending on the situation, you may even be able to catch a Shiny version.
Hunting for Shiny Pokémon in any game can be quite the challenge, including Pokémon GO. In this particular title, the odds of finding a Shiny Pokémon in the wild are about 1 in 500. Thankfully, Spotlight Hours help to mitigate those odds by letting you encounter several of one species at once. Your chances of finding a Shiny Pokémon increase considerably with Spotlight Hours. But be warned, not every Pokémon has its Shiny version in the game right away.
This week, Pidgey is in the spotlight, but can it be shiny?
Can Pidgey be Shiny in 'Pokémon GO'?
Longtime Pokémon fans will most certainly remember Pidgey as one of the first 150 Pokémon introduced all the way back in Gen. I. This recognizable Normal/Flying-type Pokémon normally looks like an angular brown bird and can evolve into Pidgeotto starting at level 18, which in turn can evolve into Pidgeot at level 36.
As a Shiny Pokémon, Pidgey is slightly more yellow with a golden brown tint to its feathers. Fun fact: Shiny Pidgey is even the subject of its own meme.
For all the Shiny hunters in Pokémon GO, you're in luck. Pidgey can be Shiny in the game, so any completionists out there would do well to catch as many as they can to find a Shiny one.
As usual, the spotlight hour lasts from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time, and you'll see plenty of Pidgeys on the map during that time. Happy shiny hunting this week!
Pokémon GO is available on mobile platforms.