This Debate of Which Halloween Candy is Best Has the Entire Internet up in Arms

Updated Sept. 23 2019, 3:16 p.m. ET

It's almost Halloween, which means it's time to get serious about candy. Not that it's not always time to take candy seriously. But the season for fun size bars is upon us. And one Twitter user may have accidentally started a serious rift by asking people to choose one to be sacrificed to the candy lords.
Liz Dueweke, a morning anchor for the news, recently posted a photo on Twitter of six different popular candies: Snickers, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Milky Way, Kit Kat, M&M's, and Twix. Her caption? "One has to go. Forever. Which one do you choose?"
As a candy lover, I know my answer right off the bat. Milky Way is child's play. It's candy for people without teeth. With just chocolate, nougat, and caramel, it's overly sweet and has no texture to speak of. It's Snickers without the goodness. Milky Way is by far the worst candy of the bunch.
And I'm not the only one who thinks that. Plenty of people agree. "Obviously Milky Way," one Twitter user wrote. "It's just a peanut-deficient Snickers." I couldn't agree more. But the results of this poll were far from unanimous. Turns out people's taste in candy is much more widespread than you might think.
Listen, I happen to agree that Kit Kat is overrated. It's just bad chocolate, wafer cookies, and layers of old, crushed-up Kit Kat. It too is very sweet. But it's definitely not the worst candy on this list. I can't deny that the crispiness is nice. And plenty of people absolutely love Kit Kats.
Some, like writer Andy Denhart, used this Twitter poll as a chance to share their worst opinion of all time. "Snickers," he wrote. "Who needs peanuts getting in the way of sugar?" As you and I both know, this is a preposterous opinion. Snickers is the best candy bar out of these six by far. The peanuts provide a much-needed saltiness and crunch. Without them, you are left with Milky Way, and we all know what a tragedy that is.
It's amazing what some people will share on Twitter. The worst opinions, the most controversial takes... People just throw them up willy-nilly, as if there are no social consequences. I know this because several people — several — said that they would choose to eliminate Reese's Peanut Butter Cups from the bunch. How insane is that? Peanut Butter Cups, while they may not be my first choice, are the encapsulation of a perfect combination of flavors. They are delicious.
Reading through all the responses to this seemingly simple question, two things became increasingly clear. One: Everyone has very strong opinions about candy, and two: They also have very varied opinions. There was no clear winner or loser in this poll, and people went at each other's throats with their candy opinions, no matter how right or wrong they were.
For those who chose M&M's to kick out of the candy group, I understand. On the surface, they're not an exciting candy. Especially plain M&M's. (Peanut M&M's are perfect and should be recognized as such.) But I have a soft spot in my heart for M&M's because we always had them in the house growing up. And you always think they're boring, but when you actually give them a chance, you realize they're actually kind of great.
Entertainment journalist Mark Harris had yet another vote in this great candy debate: "Twix. It's the untalented understudy you pray never has to go on for Kit Kat." Those are some strong words. Twix is never my first option; I think the cookie base is overrated, but they are quite fun to take apart and eat section by section.
For days now, the candy war has raged on Twitter, prompting many, like writer Rachel Syme, to question the methodology. There are many divisive candies, like PayDays, that have been inexplicably left off the list. "Where are the Almond Joys?" one Twitter user griped. Don't even get Twitter started on candy corn. As Halloween approaches, this candy war is a good reminder that variety is the spice of life and that Milky Ways belong in the garbage.