Woman Shares Horrific Video of Car Running Into Her Salon

Published Oct. 3 2023, 12:10 p.m. ET
Going to a hair salon is a popular pastime among many. And for a good reason. The salon is one of the few places to enhance your looks while venting to an unsuspecting hairstylist less inclined to judge the tea you spill.
Those who frequent hair salons know that, after a while, the people who style your hair become more like family. Due to their calm and friendly demeanors, many salongoers feel perfectly safe in their chairs.
But one hairstylist and her client are likely forever bonded after enduring a horrific event at her place of business. On TikTok, the business owner shared how a routine appointment turned into a nightmare when her hair salon was obliterated by a nearby driver.
Keep reading for the entire story!
A woman posted a TikTok of a car running into her hair salon.
As someone who has been to several salons in my lifetime, I can attest that every shop is about the same. There’s always someone trying to make their side hustle dreams come true by selling jewelry or other items, there will always be a TV nearby playing something you can’t fully hear, and you can always count on some gossip among multiple generations.
Before I saw hair salon owner Ashley Aurum’s (@ashleyaurum) TikTok, I could confidently say that my hair salon experiences resemble most salongoers’ time beautifying themselves. But, after seeing it, let’s just say I’m grateful for the bevy of Lifetime movies I’ve had to watch in many salon chairs.
In August 2023, Ashley posted a TikTok of a Blink recording of her and one of her clients at her business, Aurums Men Salo, in Chandler, Ariz. The video opened with the stylist cutting her client’s hair with a clipper until they heard a loud noise and saw all of Ashley’s products and shelves fall to the floor. Ashley gasped as the client remained in his chair as she watched the damage to her salon.
“Oh, my god. Oh, my god,” Ashley says in reaction to the crash.
The business owner immediately turns to her client and asks if he’s OK; he tells her he’s “fine.” He then asked Ashley the same thing, to which she replied, “I don’t know.” Real. So very real.
Throughout the rest of the video, Ashley’s client encourages her to “breathe” and not to panic too much about what she had just witnessed. However, she was understandably still in shock and had to sit down by the end of the video.
TikTok users had many questions for Ashley after seeing the damage to her salon.
Following her initial TikTok of a car crashing into her hair salon, Ashley shared more videos of the severity of the shop’s damages. Throughout the videos, Ashley showed that the entire front half of her salon had been ruined, with all the items being torn to the ground.
Ashley captioned one of her updates by stating it was a “miracle” that no one was hurt during the crash. Still, many TikTok users who watched her post had many comments and concerns for Ashley’s salon. While praising her client for going into “full dad mode” once he realized how terrified Ashley was, several users wondered who was responsible for the crash. However, many agreed the vital thing was everyone was alive and well after the incident.
“How? And I mean, HOW do people do this?!” one TikToker questioned.
“I’d be crying,” another user said in response to the damages. “Much love. I hope everything gets fixed and replaced quickly.”
Many other commenters asked Ashley for a storytime explaining why the car crash happened. In another TikTok, the hairstylist did a short storytime after one user asked if the person responsible for the damage was a drunk driver. Ashley stated in the video that the woman who caused the crash wasn’t drunk but was an older woman, as many commenters suspected.
Ashley explained that the older lady was “in her 90s” and was allegedly involved in another crash at a nearby McDonald’s. While possibly trying to flee the scene of her first accident, she ran past, missed her turn, and crashed into Ashley’s salon. Thankfully, Ashley reiterated that she and everyone involved in the crash were fine and that she was repairing the damage the woman had caused.
“By a miracle, everyone's OK and safe,” she said in the video. “Everything can be replaced. So thankful and grateful for that.”