This Cat With a Southern Accent Is Winning Hearts Everywhere

Updated Dec. 5 2019, 5:32 p.m. ET
Have you ever met a cat with a southern accent? No? Neither has anyone else. Until now. Gambino is not only an adorable cat with lots of personality. He also greets people with English words! Or at least that is what his super cute meows sounds like.
Gambino is the cat with a southern accent.
Gambino recently went viral after his human mom took a video of him looking straight at the camera and seemingly saying the words, "Well, hi!" in a southern accent. It is probably the best thing you will see all day, and it is infinitely rewatchable.
According to Gambino's human owner Tawny, who spoke to Today, he has always been a talkative cat. But unlike most cats, who meow and purr, Gambino speaks! He mostly says words like, "Mom!" and "Well, hi!"
"He does a lot of chatting," Tawny told Today. But he only talks to humans. He rarely, if ever, talks to her other cat, a black cat named Tom Petty (great cat name, by the way). "They don't talk to each other," she said. "Just to me and my husband." Watch Gambino greet the world in this video Tawny posted on Instagram.
As Tawny comes around the corner, Gambino cheerfully greets the camera, and it totally sounds like he says, "Well hi!" in a southern accent. It is undeniable! Tawny thought the video was super funny, so she posted it to her personal page. Her friends encouraged her to share it publicly, so she put it on TikTok, where it amassed more than a million likes.
Gambino and his southern accent had officially gone viral. Eventually, she put the video on Instagram, where it has garnered nearly half a million views and over 75,000 likes. Gambino is officially a star. (As he should be. He's very charming and handsome.)
Tawny told Today that most of the reactions she's gotten have been super positive. "A true southern gentleman," one commenter wrote. "Aww, that is too cute! Well hi, y'all!" another contributed.
Many commenters asked about that little black box hanging from Gambino's neck. Some believe it is a shock collar, but that's not the case at all. Tawny reports that it is a tracker for when the little bugger gets outside.
Gambino and his adopted brother Tom Petty are not exactly from the south... more like southern California. Although not even Tawny knows where he came from. Five years ago, Gambino just showed up on their doorstep and hasn't left since.
"He just came to our house and decided we were gonna be his family," Tawny told Today. And who could resist that adorable face and his charming southern greetings?
Obviously, now that Gambino is internet famous, he is also the star of the household. “My husband tried to take him off the counter and I said, ‘He’s a celebrity now, he can do what he wants!’” Tawny said. “It’s sad he’ll never know how popular he is but I guess he’s gonna be humble about it.” Well, hi, Gambino! Welcome to the world of internet-famous cats.