Sneaky Cats That Got Caught Trying to Steal Their Humans' Food

Updated Sept. 4 2020, 8:42 a.m. ET

If you are a human who owns a cat, you have 100 percent consumed something that your cat has either licked or stepped on or chewed up, whether you know it or not. It's just the reality of having a cat. Cats try to be all sneaky, but they regularly get caught looking ridiculous while trying to steal their humans' food and drinks. These are some of those times.
Look at that cat's eyes. Those are the eyes of a cat that has stolen so many eggs without getting caught and is shocked and appalled that they were finally caught...with egg on their face (or more accurately, in their mouth). This tweet went super-viral, probably because that bowl of food looks delicious and the cat ruined it beyond belief.
Cats simply have no regard for the people they live with or their belongings. If they're not eating your food, they're stepping all over it or knocking it off the counter. Chances are this cat stepped in this sandwich because they knew it would have to be thrown out, and then they'll rifle in the trash so they can eat it later.
I've seen cats use the toilet and now, here's a cat drinking out of a water cooler. Next thing you know, cats will be stealing our jobs.
What this cat could possibly want with a whole raw potato is beyond me. They can't taste good. But according to the person who posted this, the potato thief is a regular offender.
This is incredible. This cat has a temporary cone on his head. He figured out that he could funnel food down into his cone, so he stole his owner's taco and absolutely went to town. Hey, you gotta respect the game.
For some reason, this cat loves cauliflower. Can't get enough of it. Whenever their owner sets up to prepare their cauliflower, this cat can be found reaching for the white stuff.
The strain in his face as he reaches for the cinnamon roll! And then the surprise when he realizes he's caught! The problem is that cats never learn. I bet he was back up on that chair five minutes later. Cats are nothing if not persistent.
This cat would have run away with their owner's sandwich if it wasn't for that crinkly plastic wrap making all that noise. Foiled again! Actually, tin foil would have probably been quieter.
Most cats know to reach for the goods when you're not looking, but not this guy! He wanted that muffin so badly that he didn't care that he had to reach across his human's face to make his move. It may not have worked, but I think it's safe to say this cat has thoroughly disturbed the poor man who loves him.
I mean, look at that bowl of candy. It looks amazing. I'm not surprised this cat couldn't help himself and reached in from that box in which he's probably curled up like a ball. You gotta do what you gotta do to get that sweet stuff.