Here’s Why You Can’t Trust Those Celebrity Look-Alike Videos on TikTok

Updated April 14 2021, 3:43 p.m. ET

Do you ever get told you look exactly like a certain celebrity? Or are you perhaps waiting for the world/the internet to tell you who your celebrity look-alike is? If so, you’re definitely not alone. There’s something super intriguing about finding out that your face — on someone else’s body — is totally famous!
Recently, people have started making videos on TikTok that showcase their own celebrity look-alikes. The videos make it look as though they’re using a special TikTok filter, and they kind of are, but there’s a reason why you might be having a hard time finding it if you’re trying to make your own video. Don’t worry, though. We can help!
Here's how people are making celebrity look-alike filter videos on TikTok.
The celebrity look-alike filter videos are pretty impressive. We definitely won’t deny that the filter appears to be pretty accurate in most of the videos that we’ve seen. However, in nearly every video we’ve come across, there are people in the comment section asking how to make their own celebrity look-alike video.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as though there is a specific TikTok app that can look at and analyze your face, then reveal your celebrity look-alike. So, how are people making these videos? Well, they’re cheating a little bit.
Basically, people are using the Shapeshift effect to make it appear as though TikTok is revealing their true celebrity look-alike. It’s actually really easy to do. Before anything else, you'll need to save a picture of the celebrity to your phone’s camera roll.
You can choose any celebrity. It doesn’t actually matter if you really look like them (although it will look more realistic if you choose a celebrity to whom you bear at least a passing resemblance). It's all part of the gimmick.
The shapeshift effect is available on TikTok in the U.S. now.
Before, it didn't look like the shapeshifting filter was available in the United States. But ask TikTok, and you shall receive. Or something like that. If you don't want to use the morph effect, you can find the shapeshifting filter on the app and do what all of the cool kids are doing.
To use the shapeshifting filter on TikTok, you go to the app and press on the Discover section. From there, search "shapeshifting." The top result should be under the Effects category.
Press that and either add it to your favorites or use the effect right then. Next, use the celebrity photo you saved to your camera roll before.
Once you’re at the screen to make your video, you’ll press the "+" icon to add a photo of a person’s face. This could be a fictional character or a celebrity, or even someone you know in real life. Then, the video will do an automatic countdown and your face will slowly melt into the person's in the photo.
Ultimately, TikTok’s celebrity look-alike trend is just a fun way to spend some time, even if you could argue that it’s slightly dishonest because you’re choosing your own celebrity look-alike rather than letting a fancy algorithm do it for you. It’s also a great way to prank people by choosing their look-alikes for them. Just think of the endless possibilities!