Chanel West Coast Wants You to Take Part in Her Latest Dance Challenge

Updated May 15 2020, 5:32 p.m. ET

Some of Chanel West Coast's friends and acquaintances are refusing to join in on her latest dance challenge promoting her newly-released song, "No Plans," and the star is not pleased.
The co-host of Ridiculousness shared her thoughts about the perceived betrayal in an Instagram Story posted on Thursday, May 14. As she explained, the lackluster response to the dance challenge made her re-evaluate these relationships.
Chanel West Coast's latest dance challenge got off to a rocky start.
As the "Late Night Cruising" singer explained in an Instagram Story, she tried to mobilize her work contacts, collaborators, and people she knew from out and about to take part in the "No Plans" dance challenge.
However, not everyone responded to her messages favorably. As she said, some ventured so far as to ignore the text completely.
"So, I've reached out to a lot of my friends [...] well, I look at them as friends," she began by saying.
"You know, if we follow each other, invite each other to each other's events, [...] if you know we send each other new song releases or whatever each other got going on and ask each other [for] support [...] you're my friend or acquaintance you could call it," she added.
"I've asked a few people to do the dance challenge to my song, people who I know can dance and do that, and a few of them had the nerve to not even text me back," she explained.
"I don't know who you guys think you are. But you're gonna be sorry, cause I'm going up, okay? Just letting you know," she concluded.
TikTok influencers have joined in on the "No Plans" challenge anyway.
The sassy, 90s-inspired choreography went viral within the TikTok community anyway, with many recreating Chanel's subtle moves with the utmost talent and creativity.
Those who participated so far include influencers like cjtooicy, lebunny, and Marygrace___, and users like killamadzilla.
Take a TikTok by nojill, which sees the influencer perform the dance — comprising of pantomime-like gestures imitating the act of picking up a phone, tapping on a watch impatiently, or taking a photo — with a great deal of ease and comfort. Dressed in an all-black attire, she took the youthful dance to the next level.
Posted on Wednesday, May 13, the TikTok received 2255 likes and 337 comments so far.
Marygrace___ chose the sun-drenched corner of her bedroom to record the dance. Wearing an impressive, all black attire, the TikToker created a cheery and exuberant take on the choreography that perfectly matches the blissful and carefree message of "No Plans."
Lebunny took a more straightforward and fuss-free approach, performing the dance challenge in front of the trusty, rainbow-colored brick wall seen in the background of the majority of his TikToks.
Captioned, "Yes, yes I was eating while doing this 🙂," the clip sees him recreate the complicated sequence of dazzling moves with a great deal of nonchalance.
"i feel like he would be so fun to party with," commented an impressed TikToker.
"Your vibe is everything," wrote someone else.