Cheri and Janice Were the First 'Dr. Pimple Popper' Patients With Identical Lumps

Updated March 12 2020, 3:42 p.m. ET

Dr. Sandra Lee has treated some of the most advanced skin conditions out there, offering a solution for everything from blackheads to lipomas and cysts. Dr. Pimple Popper strikes the perfect balance between the putrid and the phenomenal, showing viewers just how thrilling the removal of a keloid can be. As to her most memorable guests to date? It has to be Cheri and Janice, the sisters with identical lipomas. We investigate: where are they now?
So, where are Cheri and Janice from 'Dr. Pimple Popper' now?
The two sisters turned to Dr. Pimple Popper with a very specific request, asking her to take care of their similarly-shaped lipomas. While Janice's benign tumor warranted a relatively simple and straightforward procedure — only requiring a few, minor incisions — the lump on Cheri's right shoulder re-defined viewers' expectations.

"We removed Janice's lipoma, it was pretty much without drama," Dr. Pimple Popper explained in the episode titled "Sisters Lumpity Lump Lump."
As the episode revealed, Janice had a relatively large, elliptical-shaped tumor in the middle of her left-hand upper-arm. Once extracted, the contents of the lump turned out to be little else but an elliptical-shaped, bizarrely jelly-like piece of fat tissue laced with rosy-pink bits.
Cheri was much less fortunate. After a brief examination, Dr. Pimple Popper confirmed that her problem is a great deal more difficult than that of her sister's, proving that they don't share the same skin condition.
"Is it mushy? Is it like Brie? Is it like cream of mushroom soup? I can't wait to find out," Sandra said.
"It's like opening a present at Christmas. [...] It's right there too. It's a cyst," she concluded.

Cheri had a 15-year-old cyst on her right upper-arm. Once opened, an oatmeal-like, off-white material started oozing out of the monstrous bulge, a ghastly substance Dr. Pimple Popper identified as the residue of rotten skin.
"What's the smelly, smelly, smelly?" Cheri asked.
"That's the cyst. That's like old skin cells that are stuck under you for years, you know, for fifteen years. I feel like it would smell like toe gem, or something, something like your skin has been sitting there for a while. That's essentially what the smell is," Dr. Pimple Popper explained.
"I'm pretty sure that Janice started off hating this stuff, she could not bear to watch it. But then I feel her over my shoulder peering in and watching every step of my removing the rest of Cheri's cyst. So I think I've created a pop-aholic. Janice, welcome to the dark side," the doctor explained in a crucial scene of the episode.
Unfortunately, the sisters' current whereabouts are unknown.
The sisters' name doesn't appear on the episode credit list, and neither did they agree to provide their full names.
They single-handedly redefined what sisterly love is, showing the world that a matching lipoma can be treated as another manifestation of a lifelong bond. Unfortunately, they haven't made a public appearance since the launch of the much-hyped Dr. Pimple Popper episode.
Catch new episodes of Dr. Pimple Popper every Wednesday at 10 p.m. on TLC.