Woman Refuses to Swap Plane Seats with Family, Mom Lets Child Climb on Her Entire Flight as Revenge

Updated May 7 2024, 7:39 a.m. ET
POV: You're on a plane and someone asks you to switch your seat with them. What would you do? This has been a discussion that has been all over TikTok recently, and all the tales are basically the same: Person A asks to switch seats, Person B kindly declines, and Person A gets upset.
Look, anyone is totally able to ask, we don't see anything wrong with that, but a person doesn't have to switch seats with you. There are plenty of reasons that someone wouldn't: they paid extra for their seat, they selected an aisle because they hate the middle seat, it's an international flight and they can't sleep unless they're in a window.
Truly the list goes on, and on
But the point, is they don't owe anyone any explanation for their reasoning of why they don't want to switch. And if they don't want to switch, you definitely shouldn't get so upset that you allow your kid to climb all of them while they are sleeping. Oh yeah, this actually happened to TikTok Creator @diaryofasolotraveler.
What happened in the "child climbs on sleeping woman on plane" TikTok?
The video that @diaryofasolotraveler made is actually a stitch with @destinyiriss's video. Destiny's video has the words "POV: you finally got a window seat" with the sound of a woman asking to switch seats, and a another voice coming in saying "we don't switch...". Solo Traveler added to this idea with her own outrageous story:
"You can always ask, the problem are the people who get mad when they don't get their way. I had a six-hour flight. I try to plan my sleep schedule on the plane so I don't end up jet-lagged, pretty sure I have a sleep disorder," Solo Traveler shared. "I get to my row and their woman asked me, 'Do you want an aisle seat?' I said, 'Oh, no thank you, like I got the window, I want the window.'"
She continued, "She was very taken aback. She was sitting with her kid, and then she wanted the other seat for her husband. I think out of spite this woman refused to deal with her child because of it and I fell asleep before we took off. When I woke up, the child was climbing on top of me. I did not know what to do so I forced myself to pass out. And then sit through the most uncomfortable flight of my life."
The most shocking part of all of this is some of the people in the comments think she should have given up her seat, but most think that she should have caused a scene...
As we said, the problem wasn't asking, the problem was getting upset when you heard an answer you didn't like. Once again, it's the audacity. The freaking AUDACITY people.
Sure, we've given up our seats on occasion, but if we paid extra for a specific seat, or if it's a long-haul flight, you best believe we will not be moving from our coveted window seat. And that's on period.