Man Blasts Chipotle Over Price Hikes — "I Used to Eat There Every Day Now They Charge Extra for Everything"

Updated Sept. 12 2023, 10:23 a.m. ET

It seems that Chipotle slander has been steadily mounting on social media with tons of folks slamming the chain's decision to not only up its prices, but cut back on the portions folks have been used to getting, as well as skimping on online orders.
This has culminated in a lot of ire towards the brand, with tons of folks who said that although they've frequently visited the popular chain, they will do so no longer.
A number of food outlets have been chronicling the chain's price hikes, as well as its decision to follow strict portion controls, something that the brand's CFO, Jack Hartung has spoken on considerably. In order to help keep the cost down on their orders, customers who frequent the chain have purportedly resorted to a number of ordering hacks that allow them to get more food in online orders for less money.
Chipotle has cut back on these "hacks" after employees complained about the extra work that goes into fulfilling these orders (and all of the extra containers they require), and to stop folks from finessing the system in the hopes of getting themselves more food.
This has caused hungry customers to turn to other restaurants for similar food experiences, and many folks have started turning to Cava instead, like TikToker Allen Ye.
The content creator, who posts under the handle (@theallenye) on the popular social media platform, stated that despite being a "die-hard" Chipotle fan for years, has said that the brand is ultimately not worth it any more for the amount of money one is being charged for food.

He outright states that "Cava is superior to Chipotle" for the value, and expressed his gripes that requests for any additional items in a bowl or burrito, even beans, rice, and corn, which have typically been doled out to customers without an extra charge, now come with an additional $1.30 add-on fee.

The TikToker who regularly posts fitness videos and exercise tips says that Chipotle is no longer his post-workout meal of choice and called the chain's decision to charge its customers for more of these add-ons as the "nail in the coffin" for the brand.

Allen says in the now viral TikTok: "For the past few months I've been saying Cava is superior to Chipotle and I just grabbed Chipotle to see how they're doing but yeah this is the nail in the coffin for Chipotle. Now they are starting to enforce that any sides you get cost extra. A $1.30 extra."

He went on to say: "You can't get extra beans, you can't get extra fajita, you can't get extra rice, no extra can't do double corn, double cheese none of that."

He continued, "All that used to be free, you get charged for it now. it's crazy cause for the past five years I've been a die-hard Chipotle person one time June 2018 I ate there every day for thirty days straight. Chipotle's perfect for your post workout meals after the gym, but they don't own that title anymore, not for me."

The TikToker added, "And especially if you're in New York or a city that has a Cava, cause you're gonna get more food for your money hands down now. That was a trending theme but now this is the nail in the coffin. Cava you can still get double everything no charge. Do what this info how you will and if you never been to Cava I would suggest going to Cava."

Throngs of other TikTokers also expressed their frustration with Chipotle and echoed Allen's praise for Cava, calling it a "Gold Star" fast casual food choice. Others said that they were charged $22 for a burrito at Chipotle once after adding options, with some saying that the flavors in the chain's offerings have gone downhill as well.

What do you think? Is Chipotle still good value for the money? Do you enjoy the fast casual chain's foods? Or do you believe that there are other spots out there that give you more bang for your buck, and tastebuds?