Woman Goes to Great Lengths to Inform Hotel Staff That She Didn't Poop in the Bed

Published Oct. 24 2023, 8:37 p.m. ET

There has been a lot of talk surrounding hotel cleanliness with accusations rising that some cleaning staff neglect to change the sheets in between guests. And unfortunately, these accusations appear to be true more often than not. In fact, it was so bad that one woman who had just gotten hired as a member of a hotel cleaning stuff ended up quitting 27 minutes into her first day because she was appalled by how much her co-workers overlooked their responsibilities.
That said, the story below is actually about a hotel guest who made quite the mess of her bedding in the most awkward way. All we know is that if the cleaning staff somehow misses her crime scene, then they should really get their eyes and nose checked.

A woman panics after leaving a poop-like brown stain on her hotel sheets.
TikTok creator and mom Jen Hamilton (@_jen_hamilton_) shared the embarrassing discovery she made while staying the night alone in a hotel.
“I have a big problem. A huge problem. And I don’t even know what to do right now," she said at the beginning of her video.
Jen explained that she had just Facetimed her kids and they had asked to see her hotel room, so she got up and gave them a virtual tour.
“And I’m walking back to the bed,” she recounts, “and I have to show you what I see,” she says as she zooms in on what appears to be some poop smeared all over the white bedsheets.
As if that wasn't bad enough, Jen revealed that she had been sitting on the stain on the bed, and now it was over the back of her pants.
Jen climbs into the bed to further investigate the gross stain. “No one would believe me that it’s not poop, but...," she says as she puts a piece in her mouth. “It’s chocolate.”
She explained that she was eating some complimentary chocolates from the hotel in bed and seemingly didn't realize that some of them rolled under her butt.
“You can’t tell me that tomorrow when I leave they’re not going to think that I s--- the bed," she exclaimed, referring to the cleaning staff.
In fact, Jen claimed the stain was “in the perfect s--- my pants spot of the bed.”
As she ended the video, she asked: "Do I make a sign? What do I do?"
Not too long after, Jen posted a follow-up video where she seemingly decided what the next step was. She decided to film herself calling the front desk to fill the workers in on what happened, making sure not to leave out any detail.
"It looks like I took a large dump and then wiped the bed with my a-- cheek," she said into the phone in the video. Jen reiterated that she didn't want the cleaning staff to think she left a number two in the bed.
When the worker on the other end of the call offered her new sheets so she wouldn't have to sleep in chocolate, Jen politely declined, claiming "I will take the L."
In the comment section, users were in hysterics over Jen's call to the front desk, which seemingly did nothing but embarrass her more. However, some folks did applaud Jen for giving the staff a heads-up about her unique situation.
Upon checkout, Jen shared a final video about the embarrassing stain. It appeared that she had left a note on the bed for the cleaning staff, alongside a tip for their hard work. Hilariously enough, TikTok put a viewers' discretion warning on this video though because even the platform mistook the chocolate stain for a poop stain.
The note read: "I swear to God this is chocolate. You can smell it to check or maybe don't. That's weird. I'm sorry. I will live with this shame for the rest of my life."
If only we could have seen the cleaning staff's reaction to this! Thank you Jen for almost pooping the bed and this excellent video saga.