This Choosy Beggar Got Free Toys, Then Complained They Weren't Brand New

Updated June 27 2019, 2:14 p.m. ET
If you're every feeling really good about the world, super calm and happy and hopeful about humanity, an easy way to completely squash that feeling is to take a look at the Choosing Beggars subreddit. It is where the worst of humanity ends up, and it makes me so mad every single time!
The subreddit is full of people who ask for free things they should definitely pay for, or services above and beyond what they deserve, then get mad and whiny when another person (almost always a stranger they've never met) won't drop everything to wait on them hand and foot. And this infuriating story is no exception.
It started off like they all do.
With a seemingly pleasant interaction and a promise that this transaction would go smoothly. The person would drive over, take the Mega Bloks table, shake hands, and drive off. That's how the choosy beggars get you. They lure you in with logic and good manners, and then they turn on you in an instant.
This Marketplace seller was generous enough to even offer the table and toys for free if they'd just come pick them up. That's as low as a price can get! There's nothing this person could possibly complain about, right? Right?!
But then, dun, dun, dun! They noticed some stickers on the free blocks they just got. If you were to say, "Hm, sounds like it's their problem now," you would be correct. But they didn't see it that way.
Let's get some things straight: It's not like the person who posted the ad lied to them. The condition was listed as used, and they wrote that there were stickers on some of the blocks in the description.
"Why did you have to put the sticker blocks in there?" is the most absurd question so far. You can throw them out! If you throw them out, it will have the exact same result as the person selling them not including them in the set. How hard is this to understand?
In what world would the person who just gave this person these blocks for free pay for sticker removal spray? This makes the least amount of sense of anything I have ever heard in my entire life. I'm so mad, I do not have words for it. And this poor person who was just trying to give away their old, unwanted toys now has to try to explain simple logic to someone who clearly isn't familiar with the concept.
This is so true, but if I was the one who was interacting with this person, I probably wouldn't have been this nice with my explanation. I would probably lose my cool. I'd be like, "It is absolutely insane for you to ask me to buy sticker removal spray for the things I just handed you for free, and if you don't understand that, seek help."
My response? "You chose to drive here to get them! I didn't make you do that! You did me no favors! I don't owe you anything!" It wouldn't have mattered, though, because this choosy beggar clearly thinks they are entitled to so much more than they actually are.
Is there steam coming out of your ears yet? Unfortunately, this is not the only ridiculous choosy beggar people have had to deal with recently.
This person was also trying to give away free items — namely fresh tomatoes from their garden.
No! This person is generously giving out free home-grown tomatoes, which they did not have to do at all. If you can't pick them up yourself, sorry, you're out of luck. It is not their responsibility to hand deliver items they didn't even have to offer in the first place, Denise. (I know the name is blurred out, but it seems like a Denise.)
When you're getting married, but you might also be getting divorced...
Could. You. Imagine. If wedding photographers were expected to give refunds if the couple got divorced?!?! This is insanity. Your wedding photographer is hired to take pictures and give them to you. Case closed. Period. If you get divorced, you can't get a refund on any aspect of your wedding!
Also, this person writes that they want a refund "should we ever get divorced." Ever. EVER! Forty years from now, if they decide they aren't compatible anymore, are they going to ask the nurses in the nursing home to call up their wedding photographer to get that money back? This is absurd on every level.
This voice over casting call is really something else.
"I will not pay anyone (sorry that's how life works)." Um. UM. UMMMMMMM. That is most certainly not how life works?! Is this a newborn child who typed this ad? Because unless this casting call for video game voiceover work was written by a newborn baby who doesn't understand how life works, this is utter garbage. Any person knows that you exchange money for goods and services. That is, maybe unfortunately, quite literally how most of life works.
It's never too early to teach a choosy beggar a life lesson.
Hilarious that this 13-year-old kid thought that "It's 4 a kid" would convince this person to do their job for free. I love the choice of meme in the response. "Welcome to the real world" is a harsh lesson, but everyone has to learn it sometime. And for all the world's choosy beggars, that time is now!!